Example sentences of "been [vb pp] [to-vb] to the " in BNC.

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1 Various techniques have been developed to respond to the problem of incomplete crime statistics , of which ‘ victim surveys ’ and ‘ self-report ’ studies are the most common .
2 A coalition of national and regional bodies servicing networks of community and voluntary sector groups has been formed to respond to the phasing out of the Urban Programme .
3 Attempts by Latin American Communists to implement the ultra-leftism and isolationism of the ’ Third period' ( tactics which had been formulated to respond to the very different political conditions prevailing in Europe ) resulted in considerable loss of support and influence for many of these parties .
4 Aircraft embracing decades of RAF endeavour had been expected to take to the skies — from Spitfires and Hurricanes to Tornados and Jaguars .
5 It has been designed to respond to the rapid growth of banking and financial services both within the regions and at national and international level , and the increasing demand from banks , insurance companies , building societies and other financial institutions for relevant graduates .
6 The later levels ( 8–15 ) have been designed to correspond to the seven GCSE grade levels .
7 The first type of state is the case where monotonous driving on featureless roads , particularly motorways/highways , has been claimed to lead to the driver falling into a trance-like state in which they may fail to adequately respond to changes in the road environment .
8 The Chinese hominoid has been claimed to belong to the pongine clade , but the characters are of doubtful significance , for example the enlarged maxillary sinus , which may be an ancestral hominid character , or the size discrepancy between central and lateral incisors , which , although correct , is linked with an extremely low crowned and heavily buttressed morphology .
9 Les Halles had not , however , been built to add to the city 's entertainments ; they had a severely practical purpose in which light , air , and water for cleanliness were the key elements , plus , of course , ease of access .
10 This attack , which made inevitable the outbreak of a great European war ( see p. 298 ) was in part provoked by the contents of documents which a Saxon government clerk had been bribed to betray to the Prussians .
11 Over the past few years tremendous efforts have been made to explain to the outside world just what the Olefines business is all about and the reasons for flaring .
12 Lardner 's volumes were not quite an encyclopedia , since each one could stand on its own : volumes came out at intervals , and buyers do not seem to have been made to subscribe to the whole set .
13 He 's been told to go to the office so many times it like yeah , yeah , alright !
14 The UN , trawling the net wide , has not yet found the troops it wants for Mozambique , which in contrast to Angola is supposed to be a model operation , or the mechanised battalion it has been told to send to the Kuwait-Iraq border .
15 The story was that there had once been houses on each side of the road but a century or so ago , those on the west had been demolished to add to the parkland .
16 To this end it has been agreed to annex to the Treaty a protocol concerning social policy which will commit the institutions of the Community to take and implement the necessary decisions while adapting the decision-making procedures for application by 11 member states .
17 But the term has also been used to refer to the work done by anthropologists who have lived with tribes they have studied .
18 Since dictionaries also contain information about the orthography ( i.e. spelling ) , phonology ( i.e. pronunciation ) and semantics ( i.e. meaning ) of words , terms such as ‘ mental dictionary ’ , ‘ internal lexicon ’ or ‘ mental lexicon ’ have been used to refer to the internalised system of knowledge we use when we perceive or produce words .
19 Paradoxically however , the great majority of the cellular factors which have been shown to bind to the URR such as NFI ( 6 ) API ( 7 ) and the glucocorticoid receptor ( 5 ) are expressed in all cell types raising the question of how the epithelial-specificity of the URR is produced .
20 For example there were evident differences in lexical incidence between items which had been thought to belong to the same phonological set ; get and never in contemporary Belfast vernacular did not pattern in the same way as items such as wet and wedding , and so could not be considered as tokens of the variable ( Ε ) ( see further 6.7 ) .
21 I understand that has not been invited to speak to the Committee yet but perhaps you might consider this at the time of him producing his annual report next April .
22 Many new members of an audience have been known to object to the applause greeting the last bow .
23 People mainly fish for trout and salmon but other fish have been known to attract to the artificial flies .
24 The anatomical differences revealed by CT scans have also been found to correspond to the development of schizophrenia in identical twins .
25 The Health and Safety Inspectorate was informed of the incident and representatives from the electricity board had been asked to go to the scene .
26 ‘ He was very friendly and nice ; he wanted to know if Anna had been asked to come to the lawyer 's about her grandfather 's will . ’
27 Wickham recognized the type : willing enough to help but he must be allowed to go back to his friends with the news that his information was so valuable he had been allowed to talk to the man heading the inquiry , and if he could throw in a description of a place as exciting as a newspaper office so much to his credit .
28 When she allowed him to ‘ catch ’ her , the two of them rolled about on a pile of hessian rope , screeching and laughing , until David reminded Cissie that she was ‘ a young lady of certain years ’ and that Richard should remember how he had only been allowed to come to the docks on the understanding that he be on his ‘ best behaviour ’ .
29 She had been forced to go to the Refuge .
30 Many are run by design graduates from Newcastle Polytechnic , who in the past might have been forced to move to the south-east to find a career in design .
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