Example sentences of "been [vb pp] from the [num] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , in paragraph thirteen , Invest in People , the target date for er , achievement in the award has been delayed from the twenty seventh of , sorry the twenty eighth of February , until the twentieth of May , and the reason for that has been staff effort required to get community action going .
2 The amount of aid affected included US$56,000,000 which had not yet been disbursed from the 1990 programme and US$57,200,000 in allocations for fiscal 1991 .
3 Because there is a good general correspondence between courses she has been exempted from the 3 history compulsory basic modules and from 2 politics ones .
4 So , pangenesis could have been derived from the 1838 position , by pandynamic extension to the ova of powers previously denied to them , and by a panovulational extension to all other parts of powers and matters formerly reserved for the ovary .
5 South African forces in Namibia have been cut from the 40,000 there on 1 April , at the beginning of the independence plan , to a token 1,500 .
6 The flow of supplies to Iraqi troops in Kuwait , he said , had been cut from the 20,000 tons per day needed to support them to only 2,000 tons .
7 The period has been increased from the five years prescribed by the 1959 Act .
8 Since 7 of the 14 zeros have been removed from the 22 residuals , the modified number of residuals is 15 .
9 You should ask the landlord for a copy of his evidence that the lease has been excluded from the 1954 Act and/or perhaps consult your solicitor .
10 The detailed data for our study have been obtained from the nine largest Scotch Whisky companies , namely
11 In the Past few years a number of small streets have been closed to traffic , and car-parking has been prohibited from the four central reservations in Avenida Arriaga .
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