Example sentences of "been [vb pp] by [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Pressure on the finances has been eased by Euro Disney 's deferring its base management fee for 1992 and 1993 , due to the Walt Disney Company in America .
2 The struggle for Cyprus had been eased by British acceptance of the Sovereign Base concept , though the Zurich Agreement between Greece and Turkey , which enabled Britain to grant Cyprus its independence , was not signed until February 1959 .
3 In the 1980s , Rothenberg explored the human form , which had been dismissed by early minimalists as having no new means of expression .
4 Wirral Tory claims that the situation is a result of Labour councillors backing a ‘ ca n't pay , wont pay ’ campaign have been dismissed by Labour leader Coun Dave Jackson .
5 Gavin , since been dismissed by local government union Nalgo , was a full-time union official representing thousands of council employees .
6 The KPNLF , which has about 7,000 men , had until recently been dismissed by military analysts as a badly organised force more interested in black-market activities across the Thai-Cambodia border than military operations .
7 She sat back , visualising the scene as the mud in the sample had been examined by remote control , and the virus isolated .
8 Many cultural historians have too readily appropriated literary writing as cultural documents , subduing the problems about what language actually represents which have been examined by other forms of theoretical inquiry , notably deconstruction .
9 The entire Barnes collection has been examined by National Gallery conservators , and the National Gallery has agreed to arrange for the tour 's transportation and insurance .
10 But in all cases he has been stopped by diocesan authorities as the centres are outside his parish .
11 The attempt had been strengthened by the respect and admiration for Russian arms that had been aroused by Russian resistance on the eastern front .
12 He was ultimately responsible for the emptying of the city , the forced labour in the countryside , the persecution of anyone judged to have been tainted by foreign influences , and the bloody purges of Khmer Rouge cadres suspected of being ‘ Vietnamese traitors ’ .
13 For , while these theories pursued distinctive concerns , ideas drawn from each of them have been blended by political theorists to create an identifiable body of ideas with certain distinctive characteristics .
14 Though it used to be thought that internationalism was the preserve of the large , private corporation , today they have been joined by small firms and many state enterprises .
15 The team has been joined by full-time translator Sarah Hutton , whose specialities are Dutch and Russian .
16 Meanwhile the range has been joined by seasonable designs from Miss Asher , including Santa in a chimney , a snowman and a Christmas pudding .
17 Turner , 41 , who returned to the club as manager almost two years ago , has been joined by local businessmen Alf Hand and Shaun Riley to buy out Oxford-based chairman and owner John Devaney .
18 Many of these pioneer voluntary bodies still exist , and they have been joined by large numbers of organizations that have arisen in recent years to tackle the needs of particular groups among the disabled , so that voluntary effort continues to play a major part in meeting the needs of the handicapped .
19 Like all Chinese bikes , it is an all-purpose workhorse : so strong it will probably go on and on , until like most other bikes on the road its seat leather is worn right through and every part has been patched by street-corner bike repairers .
20 Research director Ulrich Seiffert was anxious to put an end to rumours that the engine had been delayed by chronic friction and vibration problems .
21 Both indices have weakened somewhat in recent months , however , a pattern consistent with the view that recovery has been delayed by political uncertainty and will occur once the election is out of the way .
22 An official announcement was expected at the end of the week , following a final meeting at Pirelli 's Milan headquarters , but it has been delayed by contractual difficulties with some of the company 's existing Italian agencies .
23 EXPLORER Sir Ranulph Fiennes ' polar trek has been delayed by bad weather .
24 The appointment of the Cabinet had been delayed by intense rivalry for places between Samakkhi Tham and Chart Thai .
25 Croll managed the day to day administration of the office until he retired in 1881 by which time he was a Fellow of the Royal Society of London and had been honoured by learned bodies at home and abroad .
26 Vanguard ( October 1987 ) complained of ‘ a corrupt and Zionist dominated media ’ , thereby repeating the conspiracy theorists ' argument against ordinary people who have been blinded by Jewish opinion-makers .
27 A similar proposal to reduce forces in the Asia-Pacific region had been mooted by Soviet officials in November .
28 Observers suggest that readers lured by promotions such as the October British Airways offer have been stabilised by added value supplements such as the fashion supplement Visage , launched in the same month .
29 A half-mile south of the bridge the first French staff officers were rifling the mail in Charleroi 's post office in search of letters which might have been posted by Allied officers and thus provide clues of British or Prussian plans .
30 In the past , carnivorous plants have been gathered by unscrupulous collectors from the wild ; a practice that has depleted natural stocks .
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