Example sentences of "been [vb pp] by [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Financial insecurity , once the big driving force , has been eased by the salary , perks and pension of the commissionership , according to his friends .
2 Oldham 's task at Gateshead may have been eased by the Tynesiders ' dismissal earlier this week of their American guard , Darryl Thomas .
3 In previous years her job has been filled by a preregistration house officer .
4 Here , the intergranular pores have been filled by an anhydrite cement leaving only leached porosity , and the sonic log displays a very clear downward-decreasing porosity profile in the uppermost unit of oolitic grainstone ( Fig. 18 ) .
5 In the second well , however , the sonic log indicates that the upper unit is much tighter and the core descriptions suggest that the pores have been filled by an anhydrite cement .
6 It had been hidden by the mother , a 16-year-old pupil who kept her pregnancy secret even from her parents .
7 THE cache of Semtex explosive and suspected bomb making equipment discovered on Hampstead Heath in London may have been hidden by an IRA cell for a bombing attack , it emerged yesterday , writes Terry Kirby .
8 The Institute had hoped that the Department of Trade and Industry would replace the existing Companies Act legislation with new provisions based on the Directives , but this route has apparently been dismissed by the DTI in its consultative document on implementation , because it would require primary legislation .
9 PETER BURNS , head of the Sheffield World Student Games organisation , has been dismissed by the company which is organising the event , Universiade GB Ltd .
10 An appeal against Langbaurgh Council 's decision not to allow the erection of a two-storey side extension at Abrams Buildings in Loftus has been dismissed by the Secretary of State .
11 Alternatively , employees who might have sued the transferor employer ( i.e. the government department ) directly on the Directive , because , say , they had been dismissed by the department in the course of a contracting out , are not time-barred , if they act before the 1993 Bill is enacted .
12 GARY ‘ CAT ’ JOHNSON , the coach of the season in 1987-88 , has been dismissed by the Leicester Riders .
13 The question to be addressed by an industrial tribunal in a particular case is whether a man would have been dismissed by the employer if , in the same circumstances , he would have been absent for the same length of time for medical reasons .
14 Protests from shop owners in Sunderland over increased parking charges have been dismissed by the city 's director of engineering Tom Ball who said that city parking was still amongst the cheapest in the country .
15 Richard Crossman , for one , in 1965 lamented , ‘ How much more humane and imaginative our post-war reconstruction would have proved if government departments had been invigorated by an influx of experts with special knowledge , new ideas and a sympathy for the Government 's domestic and foreign policies ’ .3– George Brown 's National Plan of 1965 represented a belated attempt to recapture the ground perceived to have been lost since the war ended .
16 At an early stage four bishops had joined the queen in Suffolk ; six had later witnessed the proclamation of Prince Edward as keeper of the realm ; towards the end , more than a dozen prelates had been coerced by the London mob into support for the queen 's party .
17 Det Sgt Pat Lewis , of the child protection team , confirmed she had been examined by a doctor and added : ‘ We will be speaking to her in the morning .
18 The boy had been examined by a surgeon , Thomas Chapman , who found numerous wheals , bruises and lacerations , and his report to the guardians led to proceedings being taken against the tailor before the County magistrates ; he was convicted and fined £5 .
19 Captain Bob Sclater , the Orkney island 's harbours director , said attempts to refloat the ship would stop until she had been examined by a team of salvage specialists .
20 That 's been examined by a gunsmith who says the gun was real .
21 That 's been examined by a gunsmith who says the gun was real .
22 These are important policy issues which have been examined by the author , as well as other commentators , elsewhere and which merit further critical analysis ( e.g. Hudson , 1990 ; Phillipson , 1990 ; Hughes , 1991 ; Osborne , 1991 ) .
23 On the way to Eric 's first hiding place there had been an uncomfortable few minutes when the doctor 's car , in spite of its prominently displayed red cross , had been stopped by a carabinieri patrol .
24 One thing was clear : he had certainly meant to kill him , and had only been stopped by the officer 's determined and intelligent fighting .
25 He had been stopped by the police several times for driving too slowly .
26 ( nearly one in five ) had been stopped by the police in the street .
27 of drivers who reported never speeding , 8% had been stopped by the police ; this rose to 62% for those drivers who admitted to speeding regularly .
28 The information had been furnished by the French underground , and , as the crews had been told , there was no way of knowing if the information was correct .
29 Competing with Mr Perv for Norris 's affections is true crime author Jack Lansford ( Tom Berenger ) whose interest has been aroused by the building 's grisly past .
30 His major contributions to Welsh scholarship , however , were the numerous studies he published of the intricate structure of the four branches of the Mabinogi and of aspects of the Arthurian legend , a field in which his interest had been aroused by the work of Sir John Rhŷs [ q.v . ] .
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