Example sentences of "been [vb pp] for [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Erm , I think the scheme has been delayed for quite a long , well , I mean obviously it 's important to get this scheme off the ground and when people , and I 've had lots of phone calls and discussions about this , and when people have spoken to me I said , it 's important to bear in mind two things .
2 They have n't been moved for quite a long time , and it 's funny how buildings which claim to have extraordinary flexibility sometimes turn out to be really quite rigid .
3 Look no further than the row of foundations — most of them have been used for about a week , which is as long as it takes to realise that they are wrong for your skin .
4 Well they were bubbling this morning , I think mainly because of Saturday , when it r we were reall the whole club was lifted through Saturday afternoon because something was shown that erm has n't been shown for quite a while here .
5 Well they were bubbling this morning , I think mainly because of Saturday , when it r we were reall the whole club was lifted through Saturday afternoon because something was shown that erm has n't been shown for quite a while here .
6 A woman has offered to spend a hundred thousand pounds of her own money to reopen a village school that 's been closed for over a year .
7 It came to light that er a great many of the members , a great many of the people who talked about their early experiences reported some sort of abusive experience , either y'know er quite a short one that went on over many many years you know that er if it was some relative or friend of the family they were likely to have been abused for quite a long time in some cases .
8 By the time of Fritz and Hitzig 's work it had been known for nearly a century that electrical stimulation of nervous tissue would produce movements .
9 THE action of alkali metals and their oxides as promoters for many catalytic reactions has been known for nearly a century .
10 Some asylum seekers have been detained for over a year .
11 ‘ They have n't been involved for quite a while so you could n't really expect them to be picked , ’ said Thorstvedt , who is likely to be Norway 's last line of defence on October 14 .
12 The playground at Brockweir school has been deserted for over a year , once a 100 children were educated at this small village school , but it was closed last year because of declining numbers .
13 It had not been sighted for nearly a month apart from a brief report by a shepherd in Northumberland which sounded like a possibility but was vague — and the Zoo conceded that if he was still alive he could certainly survive like any other golden eagle in the wild .
14 And it brought home to me with a rush something which had been slowly dawning on me ever since I joined the Air Force ; that I had been spoiled for quite a long time now .
15 It was good to be able to demonstrate that I did know something about handling animals even though I had been qualified for only a few months .
16 After they had been stranded for about an hour , they heard splashing and noticed a smell of dead fish , then a hissing noise .
17 Linda Evangelista was brilliantly marketed but there was never quite the attention until she had been established for quite a long time . ’
18 But whereas they had been held for just a few years by his grandfather and father , they were in royal hands for thirty-one of the last forty years of Edward III 's reign , from 1337 to 1360 and then from 1369 onwards to the end of the century .
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