Example sentences of "been [vb pp] in the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 Seven players have been dismissed in the latest intercontinental group stages and last night the organising committee of four officials each from Italy and England , chaired by Bristol City 's Leslie Kew , held a crisis meeting in Pisa .
2 With the release of ‘ The Rehearsal ’ his ultra-modest hopes have been realised in the finest possible style , because with the obvious exception of Jimmy MacCarthy 's debut there has n't been a solo endeavour to touch this one , here in recent times .
3 Individual replies have , of course , been treated in the strictest confidence , but some of the aggregated results of the survey are summarised below .
4 Americas Watch said that by 1986 overcrowding had been solved in the largest prison ( Tipitapa ) , and inmates had more facilities for work and recreation and for family visits .
5 However , reliability checks have been included in the latest version of the program .
6 So savour it while it is still new , because the developers have had the conservationists looking keenly over their shoulders during the building work , and everything has been done in the best possible taste .
7 It may seem odd to complain of an excess of refinement in a film that features talking anuses and rubber monsters shaped like bottoms , but it does all seem to have been done in the best possible taste .
8 It seems that this change is based on advice received from the Royal Society of Chemistry , though it has not been applied in the latest issue of Chemistry in Britain , neither can I recollect having seen it mention any possibility of change .
9 To all intents and purposes he was an attache with the Kenyan delegation at the United Nations and the only person outside UNACO who knew the truth was his wife , and even she had only been briefed in the vaguest possible terms .
10 He is not , he says , one who ‘ detracts from the existence or reality of things ’ ; and anyone who thinks otherwise ‘ is very far from understanding what hath been premised in the plainest terms I could think of ’ .
11 Around £850,000 has been invested in the latest equipment , by LSF , which has an annual turnover of £4m .
12 Her words sliced through Shannon like burning arrows , but only a faint staining of her cheeks showed she 'd been affected in the slightest .
13 But it is important to observe that the competitive character of the market process has not been affected in the slightest .
14 I am delighted to find you have been so successful in your Expedition : I heartily pray you may continue so to the end and safely return to Old England : I am much pleased too at hearing your health has not been affected in the slightest degree : pray be careful and never forget that upon your safety , hinges the welfare of numbers . ’
15 A place has been found in the loneliest part of the island where , it is agreed ( ‘ Not yet , not yet ! ’ ) , ta skoupidia can be buried for the next 25–30 years , much more cheaply than by shipping it to Attica ( ‘ But the figure is not yet known ! ’ ) .
16 A radioactive leak has been found in the newest reactor of Bulgaria 's troubled Kozloduy nuclear power station .
17 By the end of November an estimated 1,000 civilians had been killed in the latest fighting and up to 6,000 injured .
18 Within France the DST has been reasonably successful in countering Russian and other East European intelligence operations although , as in Britain , spies have been discovered in the highest levels of government .
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