Example sentences of "been [vb pp] by the local " in BNC.

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1 Maybe a visiting foreign seaman , whose unitiated brain having been blitzed by the local rough cider failed to appreciate a gem of cutting local humour .
2 The Secretary of State is not required to entertain an appeal if it appears to him that permission for the proposed development could not have been granted by the local planning authority , or could not have been so granted otherwise than subject to the conditions imposed by them , having regard to the statutory requirements to the provisions of the development order , and to any directions given under the order .
3 The same dump , however , harboured 21 illegal tonnes of 7 per cent arsenic waste , a situation which had been revealed by the local paper a year previously , and then allowed to sit by local authorities .
4 Protests have been made by the local gardening club , Jubilee Citizens Club , a playgroup and WI over the new increased charges that would be forced upon them if the proposal was approved .
5 He said the meeting , which had also been attended by the local policeman , Constable Mike Munro , had attracted about 20 villagers .
6 I have lived here for nearly eighteen years and I have been accepted by the local community .
7 Access to the adjoining land may well have been provided by means of a road or ’ hammerhead ’ and the road will almost certainly have been adopted by the local authority .
8 Some local authorities may refuse to accept development of the site unless the section of the access road that is private has been adopted by the local authority .
9 There may be important conditions to be observed ( eg to ensure that the road has been adopted by the local authority ) , and if it is not possible to comply with these , the mortgage may not go through .
10 Suppressing the divine ire of the Northerner at Southern superciliousness , which would hardly serve his turn at this juncture , Greg said : ‘ The point is , I 've been commissioned by the local rag to write a pamphlet on Walter Machin and his World — ’
11 They have been told by the local authority that they can not grow oilseed rape because the smell might upset Disney guests .
12 She has been told by the local hospital that she can not have an appointment until June 1993 .
13 THE Conservative-controlled Stirling District has been told by the local MP , Michael Forsyth , that he is horrified at the way in which the council has handled a housing matter .
14 The campaign , including a fire-bombing , has been orchestrated by the local headquarters of the British National party .
15 A ramp that made it possible for a disabled woman to get in and out of her home has been demolished by the local council .
16 In Dallas , the plastic-pitched Cotton Bowl needs more than $20 million of work , of which $13m has already been promised by the local council .
17 The Department of Energy , for example , was responsible for providing an £80,000 grant to the Cornwall Energy Project ( CEP ) , a research group promoting the use of conservation and renewable sources of energy in the South-West peninsula , The CEP had in turn been requested by the local authorities consortium to provide evidence to the inquiry against the Electricity Board 's case .
18 At Harle Syke , just outside the town to the north-east , Queen Street Mill , which used to be a cotton mill , has been preserved by the local council in association with Pennine Heritage , and the building 's steam engine , which powered the looms , remains in situ and in working order .
19 The judge directed that the transfer was not to take place unless foster parents provisionally identified for W. had been approved by the local authority as foster carers .
20 42 consecutive patients referred to the regional renal unit for management of acute renal failure ( serum creatinine >500 mol/L ) were enrolled into the study , which had been approved by the local medical ethics committee .
21 Their abandoned Victorian mansion has been bought by the local council to save it from ruin .
22 In the major markets the rep who covered continents and carried his or her weight in books has been replaced by the local office .
23 Part had been provided by the local caterers , part had come from the Palace kitchen .
24 For example , many of the houses which they buy are in the most remote or inconvenient situations and would otherwise have been abandoned by the local residents .
25 Similar fates await buildings formerly owned by the secret police , which in many districts have been inherited by the local authorities .
26 The couple and their children have been rehoused by the local council — they say that they are definately going to fit smoke alarms to their new home .
27 They have also allocated staffing once the level had been determined by the local education authority .
28 As this example suggests the use of the courts is highly controversial : the 1981 decision led to accusations that an ‘ undemocratic ’ court ruling had substituted the views of judges for those of councillors whose policies had been endorsed by the local electorate .
29 They can recommend individuals for honours or awards — often the district postmistress who has spent fifty years behind the counter and then receives an unexpected OBE will have been suggested by the local lord lieutenant .
30 ( 5 ) It shall be the duty of the governors , in the case of a county or voluntary school , and of the local education authority by whom the school is maintained , in the case of a maintained nursery school ( a ) to use their best endeavours , in exercising their functions in relation to the school , to secure that if any registered pupil has special education needs the special educational provision that is required for him is made ( b ) to secure that , where the responsible person has been informed by the local education authority that a registered pupil has special needs these are made known to all who are likely to teach him ; and ( c ) to secure that the teachers in the school are aware of the importance of identifying , and providing for , those registered pupils who have special educational needs .
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