Example sentences of "been [vb pp] on a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 1982 ) is a revised version of a well-established North American test which has been restandardised on a sample of British children .
2 The earliest area of crofts may have been situated on a bluff west of the church , while an extended area was later laid out to the north around a triangular green , with an earlier Norman manor house going out of use at the same time .
3 Different types of software have been placed on a continuum from machine orientated to user orientated .
4 A group of musicians stood in the angle of one of the buttresses of the cathedral playing tambour and fife whilst the Dean and Chapter , garlands of roses on their heads , danced in solemn procession around the severed head of a buck which had been placed on a pole , its brown eyes staring glassily over those who now rejoiced at its death .
5 Coils of 15-amp wire and hand tools had been placed on a groundsheet .
6 Abandoned fawns have been reared on a bottle , only to die within a few months .
7 On either side gold metal had been arranged on a wood background to create abstract angels , kneeling , praying , haloed but without faces , without radiance .
8 The general twinning link between Musselburgh and Champigny-sur-Marne has been developed on a primary and secondary school level and Betty 's own Musselburgh Burgh is twinned with Marcel Cachin Primary School .
9 This sign has been painted on a piece of board and is listing badly .
10 Her life had been full of pain and perplexity ; it is not too much to say that her emotional needs had been fastened on a man whom she never properly understood , and that he in turn was baffled and then enraged by her insistent and neurotic demands upon him .
11 Looking to the future , filming has been completed on a Service Quality Development video on telephone techniques .
12 The man , who makes his getaway on foot each time , has been caught on a security video .
13 The tears had been caught on a piece of gauze , and sealed in a cut-glass phial .
14 The fires , which are concentrated on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo , have been blamed on a combination of four months of low rainfall and the after-effects of widespread logging , which have left large swathes of comparatively parched land on which fires can take hold easily and spread to secondary forest growth .
15 It had been parked on a hill above the park in Newport , Gwent .
16 The huge teddy bear had been installed on a chair in my flat , and scared my servant when she came in next morning .
17 Floodlights have been installed on a soccer pitch and a hard porous hockey pitch , enabling matches and practice to take place in the evenings .
18 Clearly , the mill must have been rebuilt on a number of occasions , becoming known from the 1850s as Severn Mill .
19 The Lower Mill site had clearly been re-used on a number of occasions , as references during the 16th century describe it as a structure of mud walls with a thatched roof .
20 Similarly , Italian unions have never been organised on a craft or occupational basis ( apart from a few exceptional cases ) .
21 In-house Assessment and Financial Management Training has been organised on a District basis for February , March ( 2.5 days and 2 days respectively per District ) .
22 In addition , work which has been prepared on a word-processor and presented to teachers or assessors encourages them to concentrate on the content without being prejudiced by the presentation .
23 Signatures have been collected on a petition to call an extraordinary general meeting following Forest 's struggling start to the season .
24 At the event the desktop publisher was basking in the reflected glory when a lady sitting next to him suddenly said ‘ Oh dear , it 's all been done on a computer . ’
25 Most managers are happier with numbers and measurements than qualitative judgements , and there is , certainly , some risk that a small-scale piece of research will turn out to have been done on a sample of people who are rather atypical of the desired target audience as a whole .
26 Although everything had been done on a shoestring , she was pleased with the result — and could not help feeling pleased with his praise .
27 She found herself unable to speak with the fear that clutched at her , the worrying possibility that her whole life had been built on a lie .
28 ‘ It 's been built on a cover-up .
29 Fothergill says his company 's reputation has been built on a philosophy that views a lift as more than a metal cabin ; rather something which can add value to a building .
30 It had been built on a piece of glebe land behind the church , with a narrow drive running up beside the churchyard wall , separating it from the lane , isolating it from other houses .
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