Example sentences of "been [vb pp] a [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 All in all , Mo had been given a pretty torrid time by the nation 's voters .
2 Mildred , however , had been given a rather dim-witted tabby because there had n't been quite enough black ones to go round .
3 The Silkience Hair Range , well known for its self-adjusting formula , has been given a completely new look .
4 She murmured that Nicola Sharpe had told her editor that she had been given a really good story by someone in the Drugs Squad .
5 Had they been given a more accurate picture of what was actually taking place , would they have reacted differently ?
6 Cross-examined by Richard Rampton QC , for Count Tolstoy , on the eighth day of the libel trial , Lord Aldington told the court that he now considered the interests of the Cossacks had not been given a sufficiently high priority by the British Army and the War Cabinet .
7 His eyes seemed to fasten on her immediately and Maggie had the irritated feeling that he had been given a very uncomplimentary description of her .
8 Before the first day of the project , both groups had been given a very general outline of the activities in which they would be involved .
9 I had been given a very short time to assimilate the books of poetry and to write the review : a time-limit that would have been almost impossible for me to meet today , so much more sluggish has my mind become ; but I felt that if Eliot thought I could do the job , it was doubtless within my capacity .
10 The great difficulty with music-hall and vaudeville , and this is a point of crucial significance to movie historians , is that they have earned or been given a very special place in the popular memory and in social history by those who recall with great fondness those heady pre-1914 days .
11 Many may feel that the ‘ use it or lose it ’ ruck-maul law has not really been given a long enough trial .
12 Meanwhile in other areas of life , even church life , professionalization and training has been given an increasingly high profile .
13 Mr Marian Calfa is pleading for more time on the grounds that he has been given an even longer list .
14 It has for some time been considered a most urgent need to extricate mentally handicapped children from long-stay hospitals and stop their admission to them , and there has , as a result , been a sharp fall in the numbers of mentally handicapped children in hospitals .
15 But within months the recession arrived and what had originally been considered a financially sound decision turned out to be an economic disaster .
16 He had his widowed mother living with him and two sisters who had to get husbands ; both Mr James and Constanza say that it would have been considered an almost monstrous act of selfishness if the prince had insisted on marrying one of the Montecativi or Roccarosa girls for their beaux yeux .
17 Ecology , for example , had hitherto been granted a rather lowly status by professional scientists on account of its association with the kind of amateur botanical pursuits beloved of Victorian country vicars .
18 When the Supreme Court reconvened for its new session in October , its slim conservative majority had been made a little stronger by the retirement of liberal Justice William J. Brennan and his replacement by David H. Souter [ see pp. 37604-05 ; 37703-04 ] .
19 As they went inside , Jack Smith was roaring with laughter , having just been told an extremely rude story by one of the regulars .
20 She wore a faintly sly and greedy look , like a child who has been promised a rather disreputable treat if it 's good .
21 Thus from a very narrow and restricted expression there has been drawn a very wide and unrestricted principle , all based on the assumed purpose of Parliament and the perceived absurdity of seeking to effect it by the language in which Parliament actually chose to express it .
22 Returning to mathematics for a moment , it 's often been called a very difficult subject .
23 It came about because , after an early night in the same bed as that slept in by the Prince , Dr Johnson , who had a cold and had been rendered a little deaf by it , ‘ spoke of Prince Charles being here , and asked Mrs Macdonald , ‘ Who was with him ?
24 The poster had been pinned onto a large wooden board to the top of which had been affixed a very small Lebanese flag .
25 In this particular case , of course , I had been set a slightly extraordinary task , but I had nevertheless not been neglectful to incorporate ‘ margins ’ wherever possible .
26 He could , Dalgliesh thought , have been judged an outstandingly handsome man were it not for a certain incongruity of feature , perhaps the contrast between the fineness of the skin stretched over the flat cheekbones and the strong jutting jaw and uncompromising mouth .
27 Cadfael could not choose but feel some sympathy for one whose dubious but daring enterprise had come full circle , and now threatened him with disgrace and punishment ; all the more as Cadfael himself had just been spared a possibly similar exposure .
28 Had he been there earlier he might have been asked a less direct question .
29 A LASMO-operated group has been awarded a highly prospective block in Yemen , adjacent to major discoveries .
30 Playing open chords around the bottom frets feels fine ; the top two strings have been left a little high at the nut , but the E , A , D and G are perfect .
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