Example sentences of "been [vb pp] [v-ing] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Contract and business law Investigators : D R Harris , Dr C G Veljanovski Considerable work has been undertaken focusing on a range of issues arising in contract law ( including involvement in an Anglo-French project ) , and an empirical study of the contractual relationship between car manufacturers and dealers .
2 He had been caught stealing from a friend and had reacted ‘ hysterically , to the inevitable reprimand .
3 More than a hundred people have been caught speeding through a contraflow on the M-four in just two days .
4 There was a week in 1986 when Fleet Street and Westminster were convulsed with a rumour that Home Sectretary Leon Brittan had been caught interferring with a small boy ; no newspaper dared to print what all " in the know " were discussing until " Private Eye " published the story with the explanation that it was utterly false , and circulated to damage the Home Secretary by an anti-semitic faction in MI5 .
5 Saad had taken his own life the night the news had gone round that he 'd been caught sleeping with a travelling shepherd .
6 TORY Minister Michael Howard has been caught travelling on a train without a ticket , it was revealed yesterday .
7 He would never , if he had taken to the high seas in past centuries , have been caught napping by a mutiny .
8 It was such a ‘ whisperer ’ who had informed Jack that men answering the brothers ' description had been seen drinking in an alehouse on Winkfield Plain , not five miles from Maidenhead , the day after the robbery .
9 Lalande wrote of him in 1763 : ‘ Sisson has been several times in prison for failing to pay his workmen [ of whom Jesse Ramsden , q.v. , was one ] ; he starts many things and finishes nothing : he takes his instruments to the pawnbroker , where they have been seen selling for a tenth of their value .
10 use the new schedules to classify new stock , and also reclassify the old stock , which has usually been classified according to an earlier edition of the scheme .
11 These have also been detected growing from a melt which suggests that lamellar growth can take place in the melt and may be a sub-unit of the spherulite .
12 Detective Constable David Hemes told the hearing that Mr Weatherstone had been found hanging with a belt round his neck .
13 A long-serving backbencher ( and amateur detective who had recently helped to unmask the murderer of a woman MP whose body had been found hanging in a House of Commons lift ) , he sat uncomfortably at the back of the hall .
14 In Innocent 's dealings with Hungary and Bulgaria , Innocent 's diplomacy has been found wanting as a result of this .
15 Bissell 's body had been found lying on a pile of rubbish , face down .
16 She had been admitted suffering from a chest infection .
17 The idea that living organisms had been structured according to a divine plan , transparent to the human mind , still featured in the work of eminent naturalists .
18 He argued that the economic , political , ethical , legal , aesthetic , and erotic value spheres , which previously had been structured according to a unifying principle of the world religions and later of Enlightenment rationalism , now began to march to the beat of different drums ( Whimster and Lash 1987 ) .
19 ‘ You can do nothing to make up for the time that 's been wasted checking for a link between that incident and the murder of Hal MacQuillan . ’
20 A maze of low stone walls bounded the twisting paths of the front lawn , and one wall of a former next-door cottage had been left standing as an ornament , with glassless windows .
21 IRISH dancers have been left reeling by a fleet-footed Canadian who swept the boards at the All-Ireland Championships in Donegal .
22 Lloyd George would never have wasted time there at all , but he might have chosen the Strand Magazine had he been left waiting upon a railway platform .
23 ARSENAL fans have suffered in silence as their title hopes have been sent crashing by a run of just two points from seven games .
24 Bratti had been discovered spying for a rival security service .
25 After I had been kept waiting for a few moments in an ante-room , I was ushered into the main boardroom where Dr Barton and six colleagues were seated around a long , rectangular , polished table .
26 She reached across the desk , grabbed the instrument and began tapping out a number with the angry , impatient air of someone who has been kept waiting for an unacceptably long time .
27 A much more glorious surprise was achieved on Fylde Flyer by Piggott after he and the rest of the Abernant Stakes field had been kept waiting in a cold , damp wind while Snaadee took his own unconscionable time about wandering down to the start .
28 Since 1977/8 , funding for hospital and community health services ( about £9 milliards for England alone in 1985/6 ) has been determined according to a formula named after the acronym of the Resource Allocation Working Party ( RAWP ) , which had the avowed aim of eventually achieving ‘ equal opportunity of access to health care for people at equal risk ’ ( DHSS , 1976b ) .
29 PRINCESS Diana was at the centre of a mystery last night after a US paper claimed she had been recorded chatting to a man declaring his love for her .
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