Example sentences of "been [vb pp] [coord] an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In total , 30 cm of ileum , 60 cm of jejunum , and the complete colon had been resected and an ileosigmoidostomy was performed .
2 One arm and one leg had been broken and an eye had been gouged out .
3 Churches have been vandalised and an altar built for the pope 's visit was burned down .
4 However , where there has been a contested hearing and : ( 1 ) a money judgment payable in one lump sum is ordered , the debt is registered only when the judgment creditor takes steps to enforce it , or issues an oral examination ; ( 2 ) a money judgment ( payable in one lump sum or by instalments ) including an order for costs to be taxed is entered , registration is effected on completion of taxation ; ( 3 ) an application for new trial has been made or an appeal lodged with the Court of Appeal , registration is effected when the new trial ( if ordered ) or appeal have been disposed of .
5 In Forsinard Estates Ltd. v. Dykes [ 1971 ] 1 W.L.R. 232 a mortgaged property in Scotland had been sold and an issue arose as to the costs which the mortgagee 's London solicitors were entitled to retain out of the proceeds of sale .
6 Restorative proctocolectomy was considered to have failed if the pouch had been excised or an ileostomy had not been not closed .
7 When a policy limit has been reached and an excess applies , the following procedure should be adopted .
8 An error code will be displayed in this column if any invalid information has been entered and an error message will be displayed at the foot of the page .
9 An error code will be displayed in this column if any invalid information has been entered and an error message will be displayed at the foot of the page .
10 For example , we regard the two processes unc as equivalent , even though they have different possible behaviours once the refusal of " d " has been observed and an input has been made on channel c .
11 The other exception is that , under RSC Ord 22 , r7(2) , any party may bring the attention of the court to the fact that a payment in has or has not been made and the date ( but not the amount ) of such payment where the question of the costs of the issue of liability falls to be decided , that issue having been tried and an issue of question of quantum remaining to be tried separately .
12 In the case of revenue recognition , there are basically two steps at which a bookkeeping entry might be generated : when the goods sold have been delivered and an invoice has been issued ; and when the goods sold have been delivered and an invoice has been paid The complete cycle would be as follows :
13 In the case of revenue recognition , there are basically two steps at which a bookkeeping entry might be generated : when the goods sold have been delivered and an invoice has been issued ; and when the goods sold have been delivered and an invoice has been paid The complete cycle would be as follows :
14 The Trades Council recorded in its minutes of 28 January that elements of pressure had been put upon [ the Edinburgh printers ] , enormous sums of money had been expended , rare inducements had been held out , untruths had been circulated , even religion had been abused [ ? ] and brought to play on purpose to shake the men , and yet after all these means had been expended and an income verging on starvation , the men had remained as firm as at first . "
15 This approach has been criticised and an alternative will be considered below .
16 When an exasperated Bassett eventually did tell them to shut up , two of them immediately demanded police action because THEY had been offended and an investigation ensued .
17 The amendments allow the whole sum to be kept in the office account for up to 14 days , by which time the unpaid professional disbursements must have been paid or an amount transferred to the client account .
18 This document is sent by the seller to the customer when goods have been returned or an overcharge has been made .
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