Example sentences of "been [vb pp] [adv] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 This is probably a result of inadequate treatment and is more common in those who have been treated late on in the infectious stage .
2 He had been accused early on in the play by Agydeus that he was too barbaric to offer Zenocrate any amorous discourse , yet he manages to produce a lovely speech for her where he talks about he stunning beauty and his love for her : ‘ Zenocrate , the loveliest maid alive … whose eyes are brighter than the lamps of heaven … that with thy looks canst clear the darkened sky ’ .
3 Calvin had set his time at altitude , always beneficial in the ‘ explosive ’ events , and indeed the previous record of 9.95 seconds by another American , Jim Hines , had also been set high up in Mexico City .
4 These spores have even been found high up in the atmosphere at 50,000 feet .
5 They had been recruited earlier on in the day after having been spotted out amongst all the mud , pulling shapes .
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