Example sentences of "been [vb pp] [adv] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 The voices have been heard as far as the race track or right at the other end of the town , depending on which way the wind is blowing .
2 If Richard Herrnstein ( ’ IQ encounters with the press ’ , 28 April , p 230 ) has been treated as shabbily as he says by American newspapers , that is unforgivable .
3 A broadside written towards the end of the 1680s defended the Church of England against the charge that their stress on obedience and subjection had been pressed so far as " to set up arbitrary Power , and the Will of the Prince , above Law " .
4 The idea has been taken up by the British Library , and by Scottish university libraries , though no dramatic results appear to have been registered so far as acquisition practice is concerned .
5 These syllabuses have been developed as far as possible in common with the HND in Business Studies .
6 Extra-Statutory Concession D2 has also been amended as far as an individual is concerned so that it does not apply to a settlor of a resident or non-resident " settlor-interested " settlement .
7 A Steamship Owners ' Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association had been formed as early as 1874 which later became part of a North of England Protecting and Indemnity Association , and as early as 1878 shipowners of the north-east were complaining of the " tyrannical " attempts of a " dictatorial body of unionists " ' to impose demands on the industry , establishing in 1885 a Central Association of Shipowners of Sunderland , Glasgow and Newcastle to put their views to the Royal Commission of 1886 on Chamberlain 's proposed Shipping Bill .
8 It had been forgotten as quickly as it had begun .
9 Such arrangements have for some time been permitted so long as clients are fully informed of the nature of the company and the profits go to the firm .
10 A Security Council vote to enforce its no-fly zone declaration had been expected as early as yesterday but it was postponed because of arduous negotiations over a final text , including the grace period before shoot-down or other orders could be issued .
11 Some of these matters clearly fall within the ‘ good neighbour ’ concept , ’ while others are based on the principle that compensation is not to be paid merely because maximum exploitation has been prevented so long as development of a reasonably remunerative character is allowed .
12 So far all the preparations had been made as discreetly as possible , under cover of darkness , but now the moment he most dreaded was approaching , the moment when the sepoys would realize that a retreat was taking place and would launch their attack .
13 And anyway , a few minutes studying the front panel should begin the information digestion process , and Boogie 's operating manual has been written so simply as to lead even the most nervous neophyte through the mire unscathed .
14 For although Cabezón 's compositions first appeared in print in Luys Venegas de Henestrosa 's Libro de cifra ( figure notation ) nueva para tecla ( keyboard ) , harpay vihuela ( Alcala , 1557 ) , and the rest of them only in the Obras de musica published posthumously by his son ( Madrid , 1578 ) , no doubt many had been written as early as the lute pieces in Narvaez 's Delphin de musica ( Valladolid , 1538 ) .
15 The condition of many villages points to depopulation , but , although Sezincote had been enclosed as early as 1486 , the region as a whole was ‘ remarkably free ’ of depopulating enclosure .
16 The house had been cleaned as well as was possible .
17 It can not be said that the result was entirely logical , and one is tempted to agree with a famous last-century astronomer , Sir John Herschel , that the constellations seem to have been drawn up so as to cause as much inconvenience as possible , but the system has become so well established that it is unlikely to be altered now .
18 Because in it , through a slit in the curtains which had been drawn as incompetently as everything else about the house had been done , a heavy man could be seen , in winceyette pyjamas , red-faced and gesturing angrily .
19 Some of that deal has been produced as far as the Tornado 's concerned , but again you 're quite right we 're waiting for the announcement of the er orders for the trains .
20 It had been used more recently as well , during the Darul Islam revolutionary uprisings of the 1960s , when the bodies of execution victims were flung into the cave .
21 Strictly visual language to make scientific points had been used as early as 1555 by Pierre Belon in his Oiseaux , where he put the skeleton of a man and a bird side by side to demonstrate their unity of plan , or homology .
22 The Football League had been founded as recently as 1888 , with its base firmly in the North and Midlands .
23 Arrival had been noted as early as 27 February ( 1971 ) , however , and some passage continues until mid-May .
24 Autumn arrival has been noted as early as 10 July , but usually starts in late October , and passage has been noted in November .
25 The company sees the service as a natural complement to NetWare 4.0 directory services — which have been based as far as possible on the X500 standard .
26 The interactions between modifying enzymes and tRNAs have not yet been characterized as extensively as those between tRNA and aminoacyl-tRNA-synthetases ( 4 ) .
27 In 1948 , Francis Rogallo and his wife Gertrude were granted their patent for the flexible kite that has been credited so often as the origin of the ‘ modern ’ species .
28 The stone had been raised high just as Wexford was raising it now but brought down that time on the back of Hatton 's skull .
29 The French settlements along the river St. Lawrence had no such attractions ; the peasant farmers who settled along the river were probably better off than if they had stayed at home , but they could not produce enough revenue to support the fairly lavish military , civil , and ecclesiastical establishment that had been set up there as well .
30 It was summer , and he walked around the beautiful gardens alone , admiring the beds of shrub-roses which had been laid out here as they had been in Josephine Bonaparte 's gardens at Malmaison .
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