Example sentences of "been [vb pp] [adj] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In answer to charge 4 that he had treated Royan without taking a proper history or examination or consulting his general practitioner , Dr Mumby said he took the clinical history in the form of a questionnaire which patients filled out in advance but he rarely examined patients because they had usually been examined many times elsewhere and because taking a history by questionnaire was an established technique of clinical ecology .
2 Until it is quite inescapable that inside the three barrels , distributed , playing together a familiar tune which has been heard three times before , are the TRAGEDIANS .
3 The transistor transformed the portable radio , cul-minating in the spectacle — bizarre if it had been witnessed 20 years earlier — of people going around with earphones and Walkmans .
4 Not for Lexandro those thronged elephantine courtyards and grim vaulted catacombs to which glass cables delivered only a diluted memory of distant sunshine , and where ventilator gargoyles exhaled stale breath which had been refiltered fifty times already .
5 A 24 year old woman had been diagnosed five years previously and had persistent abdominal pain , diarrhoea , and ill health despite repeated courses of steroids .
6 Special considerations : the appellant had been diagnosed some time previously as HIV positive and more recently AIDS had developed .
7 Only scavvy and looter gangs roamed the accumulated choking filth of that undercity — where , mostly buried under debris , but sometimes still exposed , antique ports had been welded shut millennia ago .
8 The Court ruled on April 24 that the government was entitled to dismiss up to 600,000 former East German civil servants who at the time of unification had been given temporary contracts rather than being made redundant .
9 ‘ And apart from Barbra arriving late — which she would n't have done had she only been given one hairdresser instead of three , because all three insisted on fixing her hair , and that took time — everything went smoothly . ’
10 His action was popularly resented as a poor show of gratitude for the benefit he had been given two years before .
11 Virginia Bottomley , a health minister , said many of the 3,000 people sleeping rough in the city might have stayed at home had they been given enough attention earlier .
12 Another , a regular visitor to the Undercroft , presented a model of the King of Siam 's Royal barge , which she had been given 40 years ago , after service in our Bangkok Embassy .
13 The results of the pilot programme ( based on the ability of the mothers to recall what they had been taught two weeks previously ) were so promising that BRAC launched a programme to teach the method of preparing LGS to every household in the country over a period of about ten years .
14 Arrese got together a study-group of hard-line Falangists , whose mission was to draft four documents : a new version of the Party Statutes , which had last been revised seventeen years earlier , in August 1939 ; a law of the Fundamental Principles of the State , which was to encapsulate the basic tenets of Francoism ; a law of the Movement , which was to give legal form to the distinction between " the Party " , FET y de las JONS , as a clearly delimited group of political activists , and " the Movement " , which encompassed all those who actively or passively subscribed to the values which inspired Francoism ; and an Organizational Law of the Government , which was to lay down ground-rules for the legislative and executive powers of the government .
15 The response probably would have been smoother because the effect of the 0/1 potency had been completed six weeks earlier .
16 One moment Angel One had been crouched motionless as a carved statue , the next he seemed to have been transposed several feet nearer in the blink of an eye , like a faulty sequence in some badly cut movie .
17 The route had been reopened two weeks previously following an attack in January when two people were killed .
18 In Russia that introduced in 1859 had been sat two years later by a mere five candidates in all .
19 In a taped voluntary statement said to have been given by MacIver , a lorry driver , he told Inspector Angus Chisholm he had been approached two weeks earlier in a pub by a Glasgow taxi driver he knew called Joe Hughes .
20 the possession of the motor car was just becoming the norm , but the town had been designed fifteen years earlier
21 A lot of erm group one plans are , there are about ten thousand plans that are showing an arrears status at the moment , and premium has been missed some time ago , it 's not a , not a current premium , which means on the fifteenth of June or the first of July we will automatically go in and pick up two premiums , we 'll t we 'll try and collect the arrears without having notified the client of it in any way at all .
22 He began to say all the prayers to the Blessed Virgin and the saints which he had been taught at his mother 's knee , and all the while , as he prayed , he was aware that under a mile to the west lay Gribbin Head , where murder had been done eleven months before : murder he had been witness to and had profited by ; murder he had known full well was mortal sin for which , at the Judgement Seat , he would have to give account to God .
23 Again , it is not my intention here to review the variations and criticisms in detail this has been done many times elsewhere .
24 This approach would have involved solving problems and duplicating work which in all probability had been done many times before in other organizations .
25 But erm yeah , it 's , it 's er good for what it is , but I think this has been done many times before and er I sh would think that everybody 's seen some just slightly better than this , but it 's quite a nice er sunset .
26 The thing that worries some people is that as it 's come at this particular time that some of the things that might have been done five years ago by Local Education Authorities to improve their whole education for children with special needs may now , either through other competing financial pressures , or through inertia or whatever , the whole spirit of Warnock could be lost , and I think it 's a thing that , you know , one will have to keep a careful eye on .
27 The flats had been built ten years earlier and showed wear badly .
28 In 1987 they had been informed only 45 minutes before they were expecting to hang that a stay of execution had been granted 20 hours earlier .
29 They still have n't been regraded five years later .
30 Agreed , the appointment had been made two months ago .
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