Example sentences of "been [vb pp] [prep] an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Here , the intergranular pores have been filled by an anhydrite cement leaving only leached porosity , and the sonic log displays a very clear downward-decreasing porosity profile in the uppermost unit of oolitic grainstone ( Fig. 18 ) .
2 In the second well , however , the sonic log indicates that the upper unit is much tighter and the core descriptions suggest that the pores have been filled by an anhydrite cement .
3 Richard Crossman , for one , in 1965 lamented , ‘ How much more humane and imaginative our post-war reconstruction would have proved if government departments had been invigorated by an influx of experts with special knowledge , new ideas and a sympathy for the Government 's domestic and foreign policies ’ .3– George Brown 's National Plan of 1965 represented a belated attempt to recapture the ground perceived to have been lost since the war ended .
4 Defeated presidential candidates Ion Ratiu ( Christian Democratic National Peasants ' Party — CDNPP ) and Radu Campeanu ( National Liberal Party — NLP ) listed irregularities in the process and complained that the campaign had been waged in an atmosphere of violence ; both , however , stated their intention to participate in the new parliament .
5 This hare has been aroused by an exchange of letters between Donald Riegle , chairman of the Senate banking committee , and the SEC 's ambitious chairman , Richard Breeden .
6 A GLASGOW bus driver said yesterday that he might have been blinded during an attack by a drunken passenger who had broken into his cabin and assaulted him as he drove through the city centre one Saturday evening .
7 The passivity of the wronged girl is a trait she shares with the hero of Guy Newell 's Fox Farm ( 1922 ) , a sensitive farmer abandoned by his go-getting wife after he has been blinded in an explosion .
8 The company , relying on the arbitration clause , argued that the action should be stayed until the case had been heard by an arbitrator .
9 The delicate fondant decorations look like they have been crafted by an expert , yet they are surprisingly easy to master if you follow our simple step-by-step instructions .
10 One of West Somerset 's leading attractions , the West Somerset Railway , has been recognized by an award in the annual Holiday Care Awards for facilities for disabled holidaymakers .
11 Even when the installation has been undertaken by an expert , the inclusion of a circuit breaker is a wise precaution .
12 In August 1989 Scottish police visited Malta to investigate the Talb connection , and in October investigators confirmed that they were examining the possibility that the bomb had been placed aboard an Air Malta flight before being transferred to Pan Am 's Frankfurt-London-New York flight PA 103 .
13 He was underweight for age at birth and had been placed in an incubator for ten days after a difficult delivery .
14 Even the first printed edition of a text may have been altered by an editor , printer or typesetter .
15 Alternatively , a client who has been treated as an expert investor on the grounds of his experience may claim that , in fact , he was a private investor , that he should have received warnings as to the risks and that , had he received them , he would not have entered into this type of transaction at all .
16 In order to get a true comparison between the firms ( and accordingly between the contributions , both capital and income generating , of their partners ) it may be necessary : ( 1 ) to revalue capital assets to a common date ; ( 2 ) to bring in the profits from the disposal of any property not required by the merged firm ; ( 3 ) to devise some means of compensation if goodwill is to be written out of account where it has previously been treated as an asset in which the partners have a share ; ( 4 ) where work in progress features in the accounts of one of the firms , to eliminate it by billing or to write it off against the capital accounts of that firm 's partners ; ( 5 ) to settle how bad debts are to be treated post-merger , either charged generally against the new firm or separately against the partners of the old firms ; ( 6 ) to write off the value of old fixtures and fittings ; ( 7 ) to revise profit and loss accounts to a common accounting date .
17 It is a rare but recognised phenomenon that headaches as a result of sexual intercourse might indicate his condition which could have been treated by an operation regularly performed by neurosurgeons . ’
18 George Bush 's three-year-old grandchild , Marshal , has been enrolled in an etiquette class , Petite Protocol .
19 By the time I 'd recovered I was skinnier than ever , having been rationed to an orange a day .
20 Once a specific PCR has been developed for an organism , it requires little expertise to perform the test .
21 They have been developed under an article ( Article 118A ) specially added to the Treaty of Rome for this purpose .
22 The tabular key has also been developed as an alternative to the traditional kind .
23 Charges against him were dropped in May 1988 after a meeting between the Crown Prosecution Service and the force complaints department , because his alleged confession had been given to an officer , Det Sgt James McManus , who was already under investigation in another case .
24 It is the first time that the Stylesetter Award has been given to an Axminster carpet range .
25 Although homoeopathy has been a part of the British National Health Service since its inception in 1948 , it has never been taught as an undergraduate subject in any of the medical schools in Britain .
26 Iliescu also announced that work on unfinished grandiose construction and infrastructural projects had been halted pending an investigation of their economic worth .
27 Throughout the Far East , the tiger has always been regarded as an animal of magical properties .
28 Congregationalists , for example , noted in their Year Books from 1898 to 1901 that they had installed 144 new organs ; as early as 1873 William Shepherdson , a Member of the College of Organists , reminded Nonconformists that a hundred years before , organs ‘ were beyond the reach of small Churches , while as to Chapels … the placing of an organ … would have been regarded as an act of profanation . ’
29 Turkey claimed that its action had been provoked by an escalation of Kurdish attacks on the armed forces in the south-east of the country .
30 The city of Tokyo has been shaken by an earthquake .
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