Example sentences of "been [vb pp] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The remark had been intended to put him in his place , but it had come out sounding peevish and sensitive , as though she actually gave a damn about what he thought of her .
2 Unionist concerns were still as much with traditional areas of disagreement with the Liberals as with the War ; the UBC made the running with its concern to shield British industry from the war , much as it had previously been intended to protect it through tariffs , and Stanley Baldwin first made his name through its committees .
3 As stated a few paragraphs higher , the rules for self-employed pension plans have been altered to bring them in line with other personal pensions .
4 On another occasion , this suspicion might have been calculated to cripple me with a sense of my own worthlessness .
5 So methods have been developed to dissuade you from wandering off to somebody else 's cash register .
6 Caught off guard , in a mellow mood , away-from the pressures that the stance has been developed to shield them from , they too will admit to being disappointed and confused , not as hard-bitten as they make out , and as having found only a very inadequate solution to what seems to be an insoluble problem : how to do a good enough job .
7 He believed the order had been given to kill him by the DO .
8 Since childhood , I 'd been taught to keep everything to myself — problems , opinions , feelings .
9 An existing module in drystone dyking has now been revised to bring it into line with current industrial practices .
10 An Omani doctor had been assigned to accompany us to London .
11 Efforts were made to send Jewish teachers with Jewish evacuees ( British and refugee ) , and a letter went out to all RCM children who had been uprooted reminding them of their faith and upbringing .
12 The sentries had been primed to admit him without challenge , Alexei noted , and as soon as his escort had dismounted a trooper wearing the gorget of a provost came out of the gatehouse and led them away towards the stables .
13 Er that is that at least three of the articles are talking to quoting different organisations er suggested that the playhouse theatre trust had been recommended to do something about their marketing er a at least two years ago if not longer ago erm certainly it 's my knowledge er they have not employed specialists to that they have not employed a specialist to that indeed since the last er appointed publicity officer left , that person that post has not been er refilled er could I ask the theatre trust why they have chosen not taken that recommendation seriously ?
14 The other member , who might have been expected to buy it for his own son , a young man recently qualified in law , did not at first do so ; he said business was unreliable , there were not enough clients , the reputation of the firm had been allowed to run down .
15 The popularity of Taylor 's devotional books , his sufferings for the Church , his piety , engaging manner , and contacts in influential Royalist circles might have been expected to qualify him for high preferment in the restored Church in 1660 .
16 But to ensure quality dental care at affordable prices , there is a growing number of private plans on the market that have been designed to help you with your dental bills .
17 Erm Jim asked me if we could pay up er as soon as the job had been done to help them with their cash flow situation district council .
18 My hon. Friend the Member for Norwich , North ( Mr. Thompson ) is grateful for what has been done to help him with the preservation of his local Anglian Regiment .
19 And in the Slovenský Raj the paths go through the steams and when you get to a waterfall , ladders have been built to take you to the top .
20 was delighted to tell you that we have already received our first nomination for this position in 1992. has been nominated and seconded and , as she is not a current elected member of the Executive Committee , it has been decided to invite her to the remaining Executive meetings as an observer so that she gets used to how the Society functions .
21 But I ca n't help feeling that this is strictly a US product and that no attempt has been made to localize it for UK or European markets .
22 " I am the sentry who is never relieved " , he said at the opening of new rooms at the Military Museum in Madrid on 7 March 1946 , conveniently overlooking the fact that several unavailing attempts had been made to relieve him since 1939 .
23 Scorton does have a playing field , but this is administered by the Parish Council and no application has been made to use it for a finishing point .
24 One , in the grounds of Tullie House Museum just outside the fort gate , was 12.2m ( 40 ft ) by at least 67 m ( 219 ft ) , with a substantial plank floor over a solid foundation , and may have had a military function ; attempts have also been made to interpret it as the base for a rampart surrounding an annexe to the fort .
25 Specifically , an attempt has been made to present him as the architect of Salisbury Cathedral .
26 Many attempts have been made to breed them in captivity , however , there are flaws in this idea .
27 We felt pretty helpless in the train , as we did not know whether any arrangements had been made to meet us at Canton , but at the station we were welcomed by a Min. of Education official , together with a teacher-interpreter from Canton university , who surprised us with his urbane manner , excellent English , and his knowledge that David Owen had just been made the substantive Foreign Secretary to replace Anthony Crossland ( and that , incidentally , is about the last news we have heard about affairs in the U.K. ! ) .
28 no certificate of any kind has been received , even though every reasonable effort has been made to obtain it through the competent authorities of the State addressed .
29 In fact , cinematographic analysis shows that the legs move in various sequences and attempts have been made to reduce them to variations on a single basic pattern ( Hughes , 1965 ; Wilson , 1966 ; see also Manton , 1972 ) .
30 That 's why 67-year old George Bush has been seen humiliating himself on a tennis court and going on daily runs .
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