Example sentences of "been [adv] [vb pp] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This technique has been successfully applied to lung washings from patients with sarcoidosis , and M tuberculosis DNA was detected in half of the samples .
2 Of course , similar materials have been successfully applied to fibre pile , as in the present range of Pertex covered pile from buffalo Designs .
3 Recently inductively coupled plasma spectrometry ( see glossary ) , which is related to atomic absorption , has also been successfully applied to flint analysis .
4 The Software Performance Report ( SPR ) has been successfully submitted to LIFESPAN .
5 In the second type pancreatitis has been mostly related to malnutrition .
6 AEA 's experience in quantitative assessment methods , which has been effectively applied to safety management decision making , is now applied where the objective is environmental protection .
7 Had she been less committed to parenting , perhaps because her children were older and seen to be less in need of her support , or had it been an event which threatened a role or idea to which she was less committed , perhaps losing a part-time job which she did not enjoy , the effect would be less threatening .
8 Perhaps she said things that would have been better left to silence .
9 This appealed to them as their grocery listing had been long ticked to exhaustion and their husbands were all unsympathetic pathetics .
10 After X has been so charged to income tax the £100,000 is advanced to X absolutely .
11 More recently the rapid increase in the wealth of the Japanese , their greater consumption of diamonds and the fact that they have never been so attached to gold as the peoples of the west have led to a sharp increase in their use of platinum for jewellery .
12 In fact , most people publish in the hope that their findings will continue to be relevant long after the particular theory to which they have attached them has been finally laid to rest .
13 Now another myth about female infertility has been finally laid to rest .
14 IDENTIFICATION Some people who have been rudely awakened to awareness of difference , who have never learnt to value the otherness of the other or feel safe with it , may need to search for love only with their mirror image .
15 These have often been directly linked to LMS work , but in some schools new posts have been created to assist teachers in preparing and typing teaching materials and reports .
16 But no-one was very sure that any specific biochemical processes , apart from the rather general one of protein synthesis , had yet been unequivocally linked to memory formation , and the community had become distinctly cautious about evaluating any new claims .
17 Since communism as well as ‘ socialism ’ has been forever assigned to history 's dustbin , there appears no pressing need for society to come to terms with just what that system was or how it continues to manifest itself .
18 It was a list of all bodies that had been positively identified to date .
19 Where a claim has been automatically referred to arbitration ( when £1,000 or less was claimed or in dispute , Ord 19 , r 2(3) ) , costs are limited to the summons costs , save by special order ( Ord 19 , r 6 ) .
20 The increasing judicial leniency shown to Sendero suspects had especially alienated the army from the judiciary , many of whose circuit judges had been habitually subjected to death threats by the guerrillas or were known to have accepted bribes from them .
21 Now , were Opren the first drug disaster presided over by CSM it might , to parody Oscar Wilde , have been reasonably ascribed to misfortune .
22 That is an immensely difficult and important goal , which demands preservation of , and respect for , those qualities involved in tending which have been traditionally attributed to femininity , whether they repose in men or women .
23 He had been tentatively invited to dinner at Hampstead once or twice , but Dinah had not taken to him , except to mock and imitate him after he had gone .
24 The music for the piano is a selection from some fifty volumes of published music in the library , the work of twenty-five contemporary composers , which has been photographically reduced to scale .
25 With all these agents serum concentrations have been putatively related to toxicity or clinical efficacy or there are inconsistencies between the dosage and serum concentrations .
26 Although Dowding 's administration had been narrowly returned to office in February 1989 [ see p. 36466 ] , its popularity continued to decline in the face of ongoing allegations concerning its financial competence and its relationship with beleaguered Australian entrepreneur Alan Bond .
27 The priest had been summarily done to death .
28 It had been almost razed to street level as the fire burnt all the wooden beams and the pews , but the lower hall was intact , water had seeped into the choir robing room and was spoiling the hymn books .
29 By the end of last year , when they had three of the children , he had been almost driven to distraction .
30 Among those with motor neurone disease , five had been previously admitted to hospital with peptic ulcer in comparison with an expected number of 7.4 ( morbidity ration 0.68 , 95% confidence intervals : 0.2 to 1.6 ) .
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