Example sentences of "been [adv] [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Then came the Hüskers split and what have been rather puzzlingly referred to as ‘ the wilderness years ’ .
2 The membership remained largely moribund until the First World War , although the title of the union had been somewhat pretentiously changed to the National Agricultural Labourers ' and Rural Workers ' Union ( N A L R W U ) in 1912 .
3 Poverty nearer home had been less vividly presented to her , and indeed it had been less colourful , less extreme .
4 Communists improved only slightly on the vote of 1929 , when they had fought under less favourable conditions but had been less fully committed to the " social fascist " position .
5 Was n't there a tiny nagging feeling on watching the re-runs of Butterflies that perhaps he would have been better off sticking to television comedy series and enjoying their rich rewards ?
6 Never had anything been so well trumpeted to me ; surely there had been an element of hyperbole from so many colleagues and friends who had been going to the jamboree for years ?
7 He has been so forcibly returned to his true ethos that when Boult returns , speaking prose , Lysimachus rebukes him in indignant verse ( 118ff . ) .
8 It is also important because , as the coordinator of the exhibition , the Soprintendente Giovanna Nepi Sciré said , ‘ This is the first occasion when one of Palazzo Grassi 's [ owned and administered by Fiat ] exhibitions has been so closely linked to Venetian public institutions .
9 But this time that feeling of being overpowered , which , in the past , she had been so helplessly prey to , was itself overcome by raw indignation .
10 ‘ I had n't quite seen it like that , ’ McLeish acknowledged humbly , remembering that the beautiful woman in front of him , whom you could not suppose ever to have encountered rejection in any form , had lost a father when young , and had been so little attached to her stepfather that she had left home at the earliest opportunity .
11 The parallel approaches of petrology ( or thin-section petrography ) and chemical analysis , which have been so successfully applied to ceramics .
12 Just quiet , controlled anger that the children should have been so arbitrarily removed to places where they had nothing loved or familiar , and no one to turn to .
13 and that had been so cruelly denied to Isaac by Jacob himself in his youth .
14 As a result , shop stewards have been more closely tied to their work groups , and in several industries created spontaneous , coordinated organisations at factory level to take advantage of increased bargaining opportunities during a period of high economic activity .
15 As a result , shop stewards have been more closely tied to their work groups , and in several industries created spontaneous , coordinated organisations at factory level to take advantage of increased bargaining opportunities during a period of high economic activity .
16 But the subjects I have been concerned with recently have been more directly related to my own experience of life : the situation in Northern Ireland ; the Gulf War ; my thoughts have come closer to home .
17 The controllers , own awareness of local conditions and operational requirements ( not to speak of their pre-nationalisation experience in design and construction ) could , they thought , have been more fully harnessed to the task .
18 Erm , just a short note , if you see the big lot of over there , and er , I think it would have been probably easier trying to describing it .
19 Unlike the laws of menstruation and childbirth , it had never been as intimately linked to cultic activity/purity and so no recasting was required following the events of 70 AD .
20 However , because of their desire to promote the idea of history as a scientific discipline , the Annales school have not been equally well disposed to all aspects of the past .
21 ‘ But one way and another I 've been quite enough trouble to you already .
22 Since much of the teaching materials used in FE is written ( textbooks , handouts , worksheets ) and examinations have until recently been almost entirely written to time , examples of material are examined and participants work on adapting and writing supplementary materials for use with bilingual students .
23 I also could point out , again , the shameful irony that the most dramatic advances for women have been almost entirely confined to the industrial world ; that the worst declines have been in poor countries among those very women whose work creates the wealth that buys us our freedom .
24 It 's just that until now , their efforts have been pretty much restricted to the dreary business of pointing out female ‘ sexism ’ .
25 This development is significant for two reasons : it increases considerably the national provision of courses for further education teachers leading to a professional qualification ; and it gives the polytechnics and colleges of higher education a large and growing stake in an enterprise that has hitherto been very largely confined to the colleges of education ( technical ) .
26 Even when a set of stunt lines have been very carefully matched to each , it is inevitable that line tension will stretch one more than the other .
27 The National Gallery has been very carefully restored to its nineteenth-century splendours .
28 She apologized obliquely for her husband , and McLeish murmured that Mr Morgan had obviously been very much attached to Angela .
29 Since moving to London in 1980 , I have been very much restricted to opportunities to see Leeds live due to the crowd problems and ensuing all-ticket matches , club cards , etc .
30 Gide was perceived as having been too closely allied to the psychological novel in the French tradition of the roman d'analyse .
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