Example sentences of "been [adv] [adj] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It could n't have been less welcome at that particular moment .
2 The Liverpool Stipendiary the other day confessed he had upon more than one occasion watched members of the City Police Force on point duty in various parts of the city , and he admitted he had been extremely confused at some of the signals given to traffic .
3 The rift between the two men was particularly painful since they had been so close at first .
4 Yes , Joe must have been desperately lonely at that time , because he asked us to dinner the following evening at Chez Victor 's , one of his favourite restaurants .
5 I have also learnt that there are other makes of computer — even among those supplied by Dixons — that would have been more suitable at little or no extra cost .
6 and then if you 'd been off sick at all you had to make that time up as well so it was about four years and six months I did there altogether .
7 This does not imply that there has been fierce opposition — indeed , the vote in favour of the merger has been nearly unanimous at each meeting .
8 I think it must have been really fashionable at one point .
9 He said : ‘ It appears the company must have been virtually insolvent at that date .
10 Chris , Chris , you know my friend , and Chris must have been quite new at this , you know that song that like when the double bass and then
11 It 's been quite successful at that , but British Gas within two years , will be no different to Shell , B P or Esso .
12 It seemed that Maidstone , who had been completely sober at ten o'clock when he left the bar , returned at about midday , still sober , but immediately started drinking heavily .
13 Since the war the CIA has been very alarmed at some of the left-wing British governments , many of whose politicians it regards as friends of Moscow .
14 We have been very good at burnished shellac finish and we can now add a brighter spirited-off shellac finish to enhance our fine pieces of blonde furniture .
15 Well , I say , he 's always been very good at that .
16 Well there were the jobs tha that I mentioned really , production manager or assistant director and now he would have been quite happy I know to have done those , because I remember talking about it you know er and he would have been very good at either of them , but erm er he he did n't get well he was a slightly abrasive man , he he he his erm I I think in a way erm he was a director who could who was not really a very good film director , he he could get things done very quickly and that 's why he worked for bash , bash , bash getting through everything quickly .
17 I 'd never been very good at big lies , and the thought of living one terrified me , but it was important that not only I , but the baby , should have some self-respect about its origins .
18 Have you been very successful at that ?
19 Some local authorities have been very effective at this — in Greenwich , people who registered were entered in a prize draw .
20 This was not a very positive thing to say because Ralph lost some morale which could have been very dangerous at such an early stage .
21 Anthony Cheetham offered me complete control of the whole sales operation at the Orion Publishing Group Ltd , encompassing home and export sales for both hardbacks and mass market paperbacks , and while I have been very happy at Random House in its many incarnations , I felt it was too good an offer to miss .
22 He 's been very quick at that .
23 But to find her meant giving him the slip , and she had n't been too successful at that the last time .
24 we 've not , we 've not been too good at one of them
25 Oh it 's no been too bad at all I would say since the first of the new year it seems to be improved remarkably .
26 For weeks he had pushed thoughts of her out of his mind , and it had n't been too difficult at first .
27 It had n't been too difficult at first .
28 One of the interesting aspects of the executive search business is that it has enabled some people , who have not been truly successful at other careers they have undertaken , to be more than successful in executive search .
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