Example sentences of "been [adv] [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He had been intensely frightened of those dolls as a young boy .
2 ‘ Except that Sir John and I have been most zealous in this matter .
3 As she revealed to writer Sherwood Anderson , she had made a conscious decision to limit the type of image she believed had been most susceptible to critical misreadings in 1923 :
4 Picket-line relations have been most tranquil in those periods of British and American history characterised by ‘ consensus politics ’ — where trade unions have been accepted into the polity ( the government and those who are able to influence its policies ) as legitimate ‘ members ’ , rather than excluded as ‘ challengers ’ ( cf. Ragin et al. , 1982:241 ) .
5 The terminology used in discussing literary texts has been left till last because it is the one which has traditionally been most familiar to English teachers .
6 The slowest-evolving molecules , like histones , turn out to be the ones that have been most subject to natural selection .
7 It must also be said of Poland that its society has been most resistant to Communist influence and , that of all East European countries , the gap between the state and its society has been greatest The LWP has not gone out of its way to act as the arbiter of events ; rather , it has had this role thrust upon it by Party factionalism and weakness .
8 ‘ Sexuality ’ has in many ways been most resistant to this challenge , precisely because its power seems to derive from our biological being , but there have recently been several sustained challenges to sexual essentialism , from quite different theoretical approaches : the interactionist ( associated particularly with the work of Gagnon and Simon , and in Britain Kenneth Plummer ) ; the psychoanalytic ( associated with the reinterpretation of Freud initiated by Jacques Lacan , and taken up by feminist writers such as Juliet Mitchell ) ; and the discursive , taking as its starting point the work of Michel Foucault .
9 If the conflicts have been most evident in direct cultural production , they have been most complex and most general in the crucial formative area of education , where the direct controls of established institutions of reproduction have been easier to maintain , largely because the influence of market forces has been very much less relevant , and the only major factor of asymmetry has been the ( always practically weaker ) claim of professional and cultural independence .
10 Much science , however , is well-established , and some philosophers like Hegel have been most interested in this established part rather than in the frontier where conjecture , refutation and research generally is going on .
11 According to their analysis of American industrial confrontations from the 1870s to the 1960s , violence has been most severe on those occasions when employers have tried to ‘ break ’ existing unions , or deny recognition to newly forming ones .
12 My dad was a mason — I reckon he 'd have been right interested in these bricks .
13 the Humanities Faculty , having been rather disturbed by one or two things that emerged from the study , decided to meet in someone 's house the day after the end of the Christmas Term .
14 Family size at longer durations of marriage has been rather stable in recent years ; the similarity of family building of people born in the 1960s to that of the 1920s does not imply much reduction in family size .
15 ‘ Yes , I 'd been rather afraid of that , too . ’
16 The old-fashioned backdrop painted with its winking windows had been remarkably similar to this view , his view .
17 The Nazification drive had been remarkably successful by this time .
18 And the Labour Party has been remarkably silent about this lack of trade union affiliation .
19 To date , women have been greatly under-represented among those pensioners with such entitlements .
20 Since then , the mill ( which is not open to the public ) has been visited by a large number of interested bodies , all of whom must have been greatly impressed with this tale of hard work , expense and perseverence .
21 This is a topic which has been the focus of some scholarly discussion , partly because Leonardo himself is known to have visited the city in 1500 , but mainly because Vasari , in the second edition of the Lives , stated that Giorgione had been greatly impressed by some unspecified works of Leonardo 's which he had seen .
22 Hillary had also been greatly impressed by this archaeological discovery :
23 These markets had been greatly depressed throughout much of the 1770s , and Chalford , perhaps more so than other clothing areas , suffered badly .
24 With the notable exception of Bede and the authors of The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle , earlier generations had not , on the whole , been greatly interested in historical records , but the Conquest brought about a great transformation .
25 coast of Benbecula and S. Uist ( Ritchie , 1966 , 1979 , 1985 ; Currie , 1979 ) also suggest that the frequency of westerly storms must have been less prior to 4000 B.P. As Currie ( 1979 p. 227 ) suggests , ‘ the stumps remaining are not likely to be an indication of forest , but rather the evidence of such sheltered locations where small woods survived the climatic conditions , often in areas which are now submerged by the sea ’ .
26 Development activity in Europe has been less successful with fewer disc start-ups taking place .
27 The teaching force , disillusioned and aggrieved at the treatment it has received from a succession of Secretaries of State , has been less willing in recent years to devote unpaid hours to community bridge-building .
28 Labour would have backed his ambitious scheme to step up funding for European industry and would have been less rigid in opposing transfers of cash to the poorer regions .
29 It could n't have been less welcome at that particular moment .
30 Perhaps , too , if they had known about his ‘ tastes ’ , his friends would have been less puzzled by two of his most mysterious personality traits : his delight in verbal bullying , of students or intellectual opponents , and his apparently cheerful domestic enslavement to Mrs Moore .
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