Example sentences of "been [adj] at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Both the P-E Inbucon annual survey of executive salaries , and the much smaller Jonathan Wren city salary survey , confirm that salary increases have been bigger at the top end of business and the City than at the bottom .
2 ‘ I have been alarmed at the easy way the Labour Party has in recent years allowed certain factions in society to dictate to them the philosophical approach they should be following .
3 I have ample evidence that persons who are very aware of matters of public interest in general have been unaware at a critical stage of the washed-over status at that time of Skelton .
4 Greeks have never been good at the plodding job , even in their classical prime ; Demosthenes was not the only one to complain of that .
5 The seaside photographer who promises ‘ Memories to treasure ’ with every happy snap might have been present at every major golfing occasion in the Eighties as the players of the age showed their capacity for repeating and exceeding the highwater marks of the very recent past .
6 EVER since the US presidential election , the news and social commentators have been busy at the old old story of explaining the use of words by the Americans .
7 The line of such a woodbank may be marked by pollarded trees , which have , in effect , been coppiced at a higher level , above the reach of cattle .
8 The ARFU has been concerned at the falling standard of sevens , particularly with the World Cup Sevens to be played in April next year at Murrayfield .
9 The growing numbers of underemployed middle- or upper-class women , for whom unpaid charitable work was one of the very few socially acceptable occupations , supplied a willing and almost endless supply of volunteers for such activity , such as has been available at no other period of British history .
10 The effects of the net changes in social class have been modelled explicitly for the university sector in a number of forecasts ( Diamond and Smith , 1982 , 1984 ; Diamond , 1985 ; AUT , 1983 ; Collins , 1983 ) as well as implicitly by the DES ( 1984a , b , 1986b ) .4 These effects have been the most important single factor for which data have been available at a national level albeit only for the university sector .
11 Meanwhile , the two promised divisions , which , had they been available at the right moment , would almost certainly have presented Verdun to the Germans , were still firmly held at Metz , two day 's march away .
12 For example , analyses of expenditure to client group have been available at the national level since the mid-1970s .
13 She attested in September 1939 that ‘ universally , householders have been shocked at the disgraceful and disgusting conditions in which a certain portion of the population lives ’ , and that ‘ the low slum type form the majority of the mothers , some out for what they can get , most of them dirty , many of them idle and unwilling to work or pull their weight ’ .
14 This is because the profit function before the change must have been horizontal at the optimum , so a small change in the optimum price will make only a marginal difference to the firms ' profits .
15 Syl was more of my mother 's generation than my own but it had never occurred to me before that he and she and Lili must all have been young at the same time .
16 Incidentally the lesson would have been better if there had been more tape recorders in the school and if the tape had been ready at the right moment .
17 Flaubert would hardly have been surprised at the lazy rush to understand .
18 From the outset , commentators seem to have been astonished at the great interest the competition evoked .
19 Arguing in a similar way , there could have been seven at the second party , leaving one-forty second of a cake unaccounted for , and hence an attendance of 42 at the last party .
20 By this stage , the pursuer 's agents ought to be prepared for Proof and ought , therefore , to be more receptive to arguments concerning actual weaknesses in their case than may have been true at an earlier stage .
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