Example sentences of "been [verb] by the government " in BNC.

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1 The Assembly , dissolved on Sept. 28 , had been recalled by the government of President Hugh Desmond Hoyte on Dec. 3 and had passed a bill restoring the seats of opposition members .
2 It is a disappointment that there are to be 600 redundancies , but there is a continuing significant level of employment in defence at Barrow which is dependent on it and which has been sustained by the Government 's commitment to a strong defence .
3 I wish that the Minister would respond to a point that I made in a debate last week when I spoke of the tragedy that the employment advisory service — available to prisoners both before and after their release — had been withdrawn by the Government .
4 He came before the meeting as Chairman of the Legal Aid and Fees Committee , and moved the resolution in sadness and anger — sadness because it soured relations with the Lord Chancellor and the LCD and because time that he would rather have spent constructively had to be wasted on futile bickering , and anger because of the way that barristers and solicitors had been treated by the Government , especially a Government that spoke of the need for the business community to make prompt payment .
5 All that has been compounded by the Government 's crazy cuts in youth training , including in the construction industry .
6 Dorset SSD director Robin Se-Queira , who attended a national conference last week , hopes local authorities will earmark funds out of their community care grant for drug and alcohol care , though no extra funds have been given by the government for this new responsibility .
7 Mr Hunt told a news conference after meeting union leaders in Flint on October 23 : ‘ A moratorium has been placed on the closure of Point of Ayr and a direction has been given by the Government to British Coal that development work must continue at Point of Ayr . ’
8 The 16 to 18-year-old group is the very group that has been punished by the Government .
9 Ten parts of South Africa ( not necessarily contiguous geographical entities but based on ethnic groupings ) have been designated by the government as " homelands " for Africans ; four of these have been declared independent sovereign states but are recognized only by South Africa and by each other ; the remainder are at various stages of " self-government " .
10 Ten parts of South Africa ( not necessarily contiguous geographical entities but based on ethnic groupings ) have been designated by the government as " homelands " for Africans ; four of these ( Bophuthatswana , Ciskei , Transkei and Venda ) have been declared independent sovereign states but are recognized only by South Africa and each other ; the remainder ( Gazankulu , KaNgwane , KwaNdbele , KwaZulu , Lebowa and Qwaqwa ) are at various stages of " self-government " .
11 May I remind John Lyons that the issue of security of supply had been addressed by the Government with us long before the trade unions became involved .
12 By Monday morning the streets of the city were busy with removal vans and grocery trucks which had been commandeered by the government .
13 The introduction of the price ceilings and the compensatory wage and pension rises had apparently been decided by the government only on March 19 , following the intervention of President Ion Iliescu .
14 The victims ranged from intellectuals , university professors whose advice had been sought by the government , and distinguished scientists who had once had associations with " left-wing " organizations , to writers , broadcasters and Hollywood actors and directors .
15 While the Financial Times of Dec. 4 suggested that Torumtay 's resignation had been precipitated by the government 's pro-Islamic policies [ see pp. 37592-93 ] , according to reports on Dec. 5 , senior army officials also attributed it to differences with Özal over the Turkish response to the Gulf crisis [ see pp. 37641 ; 37694 ] .
16 I will describe the extent to which the considerable progress has been made by the Government towards achieving those objectives .
17 A Hambledon CC account book dating from the late 1700s has been accepted by the government as payment in lieu of inheritance tax .
18 He thus took as his starting point three major reforms which had not yet been accepted by the government , namely the establishment of family allowances , the creation of a national health service , and the maintenance by government policy of a ‘ high and stable level ’ of employment .
19 The report 's key recommendation — the establishment of independent National Park Authorities — has already been accepted by the government .
20 So far these arguments have been accepted by the Government .
21 Shortly before Sikes 's death in 1803 his hydrometer had been adopted by the government excise department for revenue purposes .
22 Cleveland County , Middlesbrough and Hartlepool Borough councils have been instrumental in devising a computer specification which has been adopted by the government as its national standard .
23 This issue has not been overlooked by the Government , who , in its White Paper on ‘ Financial Services in the United Kingdom ’ , recognised that :
24 The reference guide The Executive Grapevine had been used by the government service organisation and one of the anonymous respondents ; the latter had also responded to mail-shots from headhunters seeking business .
25 Failure to achieve unification during talks in 1987 had , in the opinion of several union leaders , been used by the government and employers to divide the labour movement .
26 His words read like an ultra-right libertarian tract rather than the reasoned utterances of a representative of a body that has been entrusted by the Government with the responsibility for sport and physical recreation .
27 A declaration of commerciality has been approved by the Government of Pakistan .
28 Plans for an incinerator to burn the carcasses of BSE-infected cattle have been approved by the government .
29 The referendums had been called by the government following riots in early October 1988 [ see p. 36257 ] .
30 Its inclusion in the categories of capital murder had originally been defended by the Government on the grounds that the presence of a gun was an indication of a pre-meditated offence , but in practice it proved impossible to maintain the distinction between deliberate killings committed with a gun , or a knife or other weapon .
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