Example sentences of "been [verb] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The president himself has quashed rumours that Egypt has been pursuing an Arab peace initiative , and rejected the idea of any ceasefire until the Iraqis have promised to withdraw from Kuwait .
2 Principally the visit had been to see a senior boy with lifelong problems who had suddenly become unmanageable and would have to be admitted to an asylum , but while there he had been asked to assess Anna Beckett , a child who had moved him strangely .
3 James had for some time been accepting an annual pension from Elizabeth in return for promises of assistance against foreign invaders — meaning , at this period , Spain — and on the tacit understanding that he would in no way connive at his mother 's return to Scotland .
4 With businesses looking at cost cutting across the board , American Express has also been targeting a new market .
5 Before I knew where I was , I had been wagered a great deal of money that I could not do it , and shortly before midnight I was leaving the hallowed portals of Ronnie Scott 's Club .
6 In Swindon 's council parks and gardens , ponds in hot houses have been accumulating an unwanted collection of the American reptiles ; large and small .
7 Some believed indeed that the original intention of Soviet Mediterranean deployments had been to induce a negotiated withdrawal of the United States ' Sixth Fleet .
8 Peter Scudamore has been building a new future since his retirement .
9 In reality what has been happening is that humanity , driven by the inexorable power of the primordial desire for earthly happiness , has been producing a constant stream of decisions from which the good , which will ultimately help with the building of the Created God , have been extracted .
10 ‘ United have been enjoying a decent run and will arrive at Pittodrie looking for both points , ’ said Miller , who has told his players to forget all about their recent Scottish Cup win over McLean 's team .
11 Many people now reaching forty plus , have been enjoying a full sex life as a single person .
12 Meanwhile the warden 's cat , who had been enjoying a light snack in the dustbin , saw Emily , saw the milk , and that is all I can remember , it happened so quickly .
13 During the last week of September that year , Cornwall had been enjoying an Indian summer and Edna and Celia had been down to the Cove every day .
14 Others may have been maintaining a stressful lifestyle for years , always rushing onwards , filling their time with one impossible task after the next .
15 It was later compounded by the fall-out from a family explosion : on Roger Ackerley 's death in 1929 the son discovered that , first , his father had been maintaining a separate menage and that , second , the money had run out .
16 Chaot had reportedly been nursing a damaged rudder stock for some time , but as water was coming into the boat in increasing quantities , Boschmann decided to abandon ship as soon as other yachts on passage to the Caribbean could come to his assistance .
17 As Bishop Brinton said , it had been to restore a rightful heir to his kingdom and to defeat tyranny that the campaign in northern Spain had been fought in 1367 .
18 In January 1991 Özal antagonized conservative nationalist currents within the ANAP by easing restrictions on the use of the Kurdish language , hoping thereby to improve Turkey 's minority rights record and to undercut support for the Kurdistan Workers ' Party ( PKK ) , which since 1984 had been waging a violent campaign in support of separatist demands .
19 Xhosa-speakers generally support the African National Congress , which has been waging a small-scale war with followers of the Zulu-orientated Inkatha Freedom Party for the past week in Johannesburg 's townships .
20 In his letter of resignation to the party leader , Mr Rezsoe Nyers , with whom he has been waging a long-running feud , Mr Nemeth stated he had no option but to resign .
21 Since then , the fundamentalists have been waging a steady war on the government , at one point demanding the resignation of the Education Minister because of his plans for reforming the teaching of Islam in schools .
22 On May 7 the Azerbaijan Foreign Ministry claimed that Armenia had been waging an undeclared war on Azerbaijan , and that in over 300 cross-border attacks since the beginning of the year a total of 61 Azerbaijanis had been killed .
23 Mick Hardy , Trinity House River Lights Attendant , who is responsible for the seven shore lights along the Thames , has been waging an escalating battle against vandalism which , he says , increases during school holidays .
24 INDIA 'S troubled northern state of Kashmir , where militants have been waging an armed struggle for independence since 1990 , has a new governor .
25 But in the main her mother had continued to live in her own world and her father in his , and she herself had been waging an inward war of words against the narrowness of her existence and with no hope of seeing a way out : she had given the final ‘ no ’ to Henry Stalwort and convinced Peter Chambers that it was useless him thinking she would change her mind .
26 ‘ Partly as a result of excessive leniency , ’ he went on in a familiar line of argument , ‘ there has been developed a pestiferous class of young ruffians who have caused great suffering to the respectable … to whom they have become a terror . ’
27 Part of that role — as deputy to the Superintendent — has been to promote a multi-agency approach to crime prevention and community safety , forging close contacts with district councils as well as other statutory and voluntary groups within Hampshire .
28 The emotive subject of rapes has been given a great deal of publicity , and every case of an alleged rape of a Serbian woman by an Albanian is used as a pretext for fierce agitation among the Serbian population .
29 Even at the time of his admission and immediately prior to surgery when he has been given a great deal of information , his overriding concern is how he will cope with a stoma and whether he will be able to manage at home .
30 The five-year-old confined to a London hospital bed has been given a postal pick-me-up with get well cards from school pupils .
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