Example sentences of "been [verb] a [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This Government has been pursuing an energy strategy that was wrong in conception and incompetent in execution . ’
2 The mother — who believes she passed on her 50-a-day habit to the girl while she was pregnant — revealed that Cherie had been diagnosed a nicotine addict by a doctor .
3 NOBODY really noticed , but Neil Kinnock has been nursing a chest cold .
4 Redknapp added : ‘ The fans did n't realise I had been nursing a groin strain .
5 An ambassador could still expect , at the end of his mission , to receive from the ruler to whom he had been accredited a farewell present which was often , particularly for special ambassadors of high social rank , of considerable value .
6 Mayor 's chaplain Tony Rees was furious he had n't been refunded a £187 overpayment .
7 Communist Party of the Philippines — Marxist-Leninist ( CPP-ML , split from the pro-Soviet PKP in 1968 , Benito Tiamzon ch. , Saturnino Ocampo gen. sec. ) — the CCP-ML 's military wing , the New People 's Army ( NPA ) , has been waging a guerrilla war since 1969 ; Grand Alliance for Democracy ( GAD , established in 1987 to co-ordinate the anti-Aquino opposition in the legislative elections , the GAD included the Mindanao Alliance , Nacionalista Party , Social Democratic Party and the Kalaw wing of the Liberal Party , Juan Ponce Enrile pres . ) ;
8 Then the Bank revealed that its governor had been given a 17% salary rise last year .
9 Turtle breeding beaches in western Cyprus have been given a breathing space by the decision of the government to freeze development in the area for one year .
10 Earlier in 1959 , Yulo Tsering had been given a life sentence for taking part in the Tibetan revolution of that year .
11 Jonathan described to the court how in August 1991 he had been given a blackcurrant drink made by Allitt .
12 Gareth Furby 's been given a sneak preview .
13 She had been given a telephone number in France : Cassis 08.79.30 , Les Roches Blanches , a hotel .
14 It is murmured that one or two departments have been given a warning shot across the bows : ‘ improve , or you may sink without trace ’ .
15 WELSH athletics has been given a £25,000 grant towards the development of SportsHall Athletics .
16 On the back seat … a fourteen-year-old boy from Milton Keynes , who just the day before had been given a supervision order after being convicted for burglary , armed robbery and car theft .
17 2 In the event of the Manager ceasing to be an employee or Director of the Company as a result of dismissal or retirement [ or redundancy ] [ or death ] there shall be deemed to have been given a Transfer Notice in respect of his entire holding of shares and the price of such shares shall be : ( a ) if a dismissal or retirement [ or redundancy ] [ or death ] shall occur prior to … the lower of cost and Market Value ; or ( b ) if the dismissal or retirement [ or death ] shall occur at any time after …
18 Market Value ; 3 In the event of the death of a Manager there shall be deemed to have been given a Transfer Notice in respect of his entire holding of shares and the price of such shares shall be the higher of cost and Market Value .
19 He says Anna is n't the right wife for a Plunkett — especially one who 's been given a university education so he can become a spokesman for our people .
20 She 'd been given a rail warrant to Lowestoft , where the RTO had handed her over to the navy .
21 A RESEARCH unit at the North East Wales Institute of Higher Education in Wrexham has been given a £130,000 boost by a funding body .
22 I have had difficult cases , like the woman who had been given a Caesarean operation : giving birth after that kind of operation is very delicate , but it turned out all right .
23 Sinclair did buy the Observer and the Pall Mall in the end , but not before he had been given a $45,000 guarantee from party funds .
24 Since talking to me , she has been given a council house about fifteen miles from her family home , so at last she and Sean can get on with their lives together .
25 The company who carried out the painting and varnishing of the large wooden replica of the Hunterston brooch which stands in the Visitor Centre at the station , JHB Decorators of Paisley , have been given a Merit Award by the Scottish Decorators Federation .
26 Been given a bomber squadron and one or two fighter squadrons and us .
27 He 'd been given a meeting place he knew of .
28 Linfield have been given a lifeline courtesy of Tbilisi 's shameful dismissal from the tournament and let's hope they grasp it with both hands .
29 Bootle-born Shirli-Ann Siddall has been given a wildcard entry .
30 In Malette v. Shulman , 67 D.L.R. ( 4th ) 321 a Canadian court upheld an award of $20,000 to a patient who had been given a blood transfusion in order to save her life but against her known wishes .
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