Example sentences of "been [verb] [prep] the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Such a clause does not relieve the parties from the obligation to register a registrable sale agreement , it merely suspends the operation of the relevant restrictions until particulars of the agreement have been furnished to the OFT .
2 Its attempt to make farmers pay for the pollution they caused had been overturned by the environmentally primitive MAFF .
3 In consequence of its importance as a relic of local industrial archaeology , the mill has been listed as a building of architectural or historic interest ( Grade II ) , a status which has not been jeopardised by the very careful treatment of the building by its present owners in their continuing programme of conversion and conservation .
4 The aristocracy — ie. titled landowners — do still exist and have been joined by the very wealthy ( through ownership or investment ) : it has been reckoned that this 1% of adult population owns one-quarter of all the wealth in Britain .
5 The perceptual side of the Umwelt has received less attention than the motor aspect , the study of animal perception ( as opposed to sensory physiology or discriminative behaviour ) having been inhabited by the explicitly anti-mentalistic bias of behaviourism .
6 It may be that in New South Wales , Category 3 , which carries the seven-year penalty , has been constructed too broadly and that some conduct which it covers should have been placed within the more serious categories .
7 They also tend to remain positive for a very long time , if not indefinitely , unless the infection has been treated in the very early stages .
8 My — though not necessarily her — interpretation of this observation leads me to ask whether in fact the capacity to show LTP might not be a purely artefactual phenomenon , which occurs only in animals which have been reared in the highly restricted environment of a research laboratory ?
9 Much attention has been given to the seemingly altruistic behaviour of dolphins , with various authors citing such examples as the way cetaceans will assist or stand by other ill , injured or stranded animals even to the point of their own death .
10 Of the 168 vacancies thus created , 42 were to be filled by new borough seats , including eight new London seats and seats for Manchester , Leeds , and Birmingham ; 55 were to be devoted to the provision of additional members for countries , to augment what had traditionally been regarded as the most " independent " element in the representative system ; and nine new places were to be given to Scotland , Ireland and Wales .
11 Turbulent flows have often been regarded as the most important yet least understood set of phenomena of fluid dynamics .
12 In general , however , Haycocks III has been regarded as the least important of the three reports and the difficult financial climate of the last few years has meant that its recommendations have been given a low priority .
13 It had been caught in the most unlikely of places , not a country location but on the High Row in the centre of Darlington ! — Mr Ken Wood with a badger poster .
14 The audiences , though , had been confined to the especially perceptive .
15 Oh it 's always been confined to the Really it was to the school areas , you see ?
16 More recently , this conclusion has been confined by the more direct method of extracting DNA from various kinds of cells and determining the base sequence of some of their genes .
17 The summer school job that she 'd been relying on had been cancelled at the very last minute and other temporary jobs were a bit thin on the ground .
18 Obviously it may be too early to answer some of these questions fully , but the fact that I , in common with the majority of arts teachers working in secondary schools in this country , have been grappling with the very difficult process of assessing , marking and moderating the work of the first batch of pupils to take the GCSE examination will , I believe , give added force to some of the things I intend to say .
19 False positive results with a persistently elevated creatine kinase activity have been reported for the dominantly inherited but benign blood anomaly in which the creatine kinase BB isoenzyme is elevated in erythrocytes and thrombocytes .
20 ‘ There were coal-effect gas fires in the living-rooms ; the bathroom was covered in cork tiles , floor to ceiling ; the kitchen had been knocked through into a disastrous tunnel lined with Melamine ; and the roof had been re-tiled in the most revolting red pantiles instead of black slates .
21 It is because trust has been eroded by the long running conflict between central Government and the teaching unions that as a nation we are far from realising the ideal of having our schools staffed by the true professionals that children deserve .
22 Leadership might have been expected from the more substantial merchants , members of the élite merchant guilds established by Peter and reformed by Catherine .
23 They contended that pornography , lawlessness and other social disorders have been carried from the more permissive societies of the West , via the mass media , to the countries of the Third World .
24 He has been succeeded by the equally hard working Ken Lake , whose job among other things is to co-ordinate the various partnerships with the regional secretaries and keep ESCA 's profile high amongst the school cricket fraternity .
25 Here were still the great theatres , whose promenades had been paraded by the most sublime courtesans of the age .
26 At this factory an immense research and development programme is headed by electronics wizard Bob Podhrasky , and in recent years more than $3 million has been pumped into the never ending pursuit of treasure hunting 's Holy Grail … the ‘ perfect ’ machine .
27 So far , we have been looking at the rather more impressive remains of former villages .
28 To be fair , I did n't , I did say we 're talking about parenting and one one could do another programme perhaps , focusing on the child or the needs and rights of the child in specific , but I think I 've been looking at the almost the scariness , I suppose , of being a parent , the challenges facing parents and the whole half hour , really , has not been about the joys of parenthood , so much as the problems of parenthood !
29 Actuaries have recently been considering the particular difficulties of calculating pensions valuations in divorce cases , but have also been looking at the much wider issues raised by the changing pattern of divorce and marriage .
30 They were then very pleased to read in the book that it had been done for the very same reasons .
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