Example sentences of "been [verb] [prep] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 I 've talked to other people whose mothers came to naturopathy in the fifties , and it 's been explained as a way of eating posh for those who do n't know about Continental food .
2 Scant attention has been given to the way in which man 's attitude to death feeds back into his life and so exerts an influence upon society .
3 While Baldwin 's succession to Bonar Law in 1923 has been almost overdiscussed , practically no attention has been given to the way in which he slipped in for the third time in 1935 .
4 Detailed consideration has been given to the way in which these different types of unit should be certificated .
5 For some departments in local councils , the Urban Programme has been regarded as a way in which capital schemes cut from other mainstream budgets might be reinstated .
6 While 8-track cassette recorders are n't new , in some cases the amount of signal isolation between tracks is at best poor , and so they have n't really been regarded as the way to upgrade .
7 Disabled people had not been consulted about the way planning for the project should be arranged .
8 Do not reply until all five items have been listed in the way suggested above .
9 The labelling of cans of tuna as " dolphin-friendly " should be discontinued , since no importer can be sure that the tuna has been caught in a way which has does not threaten dolphins , according to the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society ( WDCS ) .
10 When humans cut down the forest , it might be replaced by a permanent grassland because the soil itself had been modified in a way that prevented the trees from reseeding themselves .
11 Yet such evidence as there is suggests that his love for his wife had been deepened by the way she had stood by him during his years in prison .
12 In consequence , there has been the pretence that a single perspective grounded in the nineteenth century can capture the essentials of things today , and so constitutional theory has itself been frozen in a way that has confined the parameters of constitutional debate .
13 Dave Herriot , now 67 , convener of shop stewards at Walkerburn when the mill crashed , said : ‘ Everyone has been sickened by the way the system has treated us .
14 Such metalwork and fabric may have been decorated in a way which conveyed meaning to the wearer and the viewer , but all of the artefacts whose technology we have considered had , first and foremost a function to their owners .
15 She had n't been prepared for the way poetry came into this fitting together of parts , Shall I believe that unsubstantial Death is amorous , and that the lean abhorrèd monster keeps Thee here in dark to be his paramour , she recited in her head , as O'Hara climbed on top and humped her beneath the rude unshaded bulb .
16 If there had been no political factor in the equation , it is unlikely that Profumo would have been ruined in the way he was and tortured for years by a newspaper interest which has survived until the present day .
17 The main impediments to the free flow of people are those placed there to facilitate the free flow of motorised traffic , particularly road crossing barriers , signs embedded in the pavement and steps and ramps to carry the walker over or under the roadway. little seems to have been done in the way of formal schemes of assessment of pedestrian problems or of priorities for maintenance or design .
18 Not be critical and unpleasant about everything that 's been done in the way of traffic calming .
19 Dalby was held to have been decided in the way that it was because a direction was needed whether or not there was an intervening act , i.e. the words in Dalby did not mean what they said .
20 In 1984–5 , most of the courses in all institutions had been running for less than five years , though about a third of courses in Colleges , including nearly half the B Ed Primary courses had been operating in the way described for more than five years .
21 Sometimes the term has been applied to the linguistic habits of a particular writer ( " the style of Dickens , of Proust " , etc ) ; at other times it has been applied to the way language is used in a particular genre , period , school of writing , or some combination of these : " epistolary style " , " early eighteenth-century style " , " euphuistic style " , " the style of Victorian novels " , etc .
22 Reference has already been made to the way in which developments in medicine began , in the late nineteenth century , to render inadequate the traditional poor law approach to the care of the sick .
23 Chris had insisted that if he was going to go out there , then so was I. I 'd been searching for a way out all night , but nothing convincing came to mind .
24 The trouble with the right hon. Gentleman is that he has been searching for a way to do nothing about this problem .
25 Monetary union has long been seen as a way of bringing about greater economic and political unity within the Community .
26 If there were simply no correlation whatsoever between the electrical output of a photo-electric cell and some other measure of light intensity directly or indirectly related to experience , it would not have been accepted as a way of measuring light intensity .
27 For some minutes now she had been disturbed by the way Beth was pacing to and fro in front of the great fireplace , a deeply thoughtful expression on her face , and her whole manner one of extreme agitation .
28 My Lords , the code which first made it a criminal offence to drive a motor vehicle with an amount of alcohol in the body exceeding a fixed statutory limit ( introduced by the Road Safety Act 1967 and re-enacted in the consolidating Road Traffic Act 1972 ) was found in course of judicial construction to have been drafted in a way which afforded to many drunken drivers a variety of wholly unmeritorious avenues of escape from conviction .
29 Consequently just as in competition policy , EC policy on state aids has been drafted in a way designed to take account of this dichotomy .
30 They have been helped along the way by CoastGuard , a treatment for the micro organisms contained in sewage discharged into the sea launched by Chlor Chemicals ' Watercare business last year , and a newspaper story comparing Weston 's beach favourably with a Barbados resort favoured by Princess Diana .
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