Example sentences of "been [verb] [prep] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 No information is available as to the extent to which this Model has been relied upon in international negotiations .
2 Revenue budgets have traditionally been referred to as line-item budgets ; that is , budgets which focus on expense elements such as salaries , materials and other consumables , rather than on the reason for the expenditure .
3 Erm the then the seems to us the final er difference between ourselves and the er county council , is the issue of migration and what 's already been referred to as environmental discounts .
4 Erm you you 've asked er chairman for for a general comment on on what 's been referred to as environmental discount , environmental considerations and so forth .
5 The applicants , Coventry Newspapers Ltd. , ( ‘ C.N.L. ’ ) , defendants in a libel action brought against them by David Woodley and Roger Clifford , sought ( 1 ) a declaration that C.N.L. were at liberty to receive from Michael Thomas Bromell copies of all such witness statements , notes , notebooks and other documents which had come into existence in the course of an investigation by the Police Complaints Authority into the conduct of David Woodley and Roger Clifford as had been read to or by the Court of Appeal ( Criminal Division ) or had been referred to in open court during the hearing of Reg. v. Bromell ( unreported ) , 22 June 1992 , C.A. , on a reference , dated 10 May 1991 , of his case by the Home Secretary under section 17(1) ( a ) of the Criminal Appeal Act 1968 ; and/or ( 2 ) variation of the implied undertaking pursuant to which Michael Thomas Bromell had received the documents under the order of the Court of Appeal ( Criminal Division ) on 9 July 1991 , so as to permit him to disclose copies of all such documents described in ( 1 ) above to C.N.L. for the purpose of defending the libel action .
6 Although this formulation has been referred to in subsequent cases it has not been adopted as laying down an all embracing test .
7 The market places of many an old town throughout the country have been encroached upon in similar ways .
8 The law as so stated has , I think , been so understood for most of this century , at least at the level of the Court of Appeal ; but it has been the subject of increasing criticism by academic lawyers , and has been departed from in significant respects in some Commonwealth countries , both by legislation and by judicial development of the law .
9 At the end of my foundation year I 'd been voted in as Social Secretary , in charge of putting on all the shows there .
10 It has been added to by sedimentary deposits .
11 It is this logic of practice which effectively negates most research and is perhaps the main reason that between 1979 and 1988 , only one of the research papers I have compiled has been looked at by senior officers .
12 ‘ The whole town pretended to be scandalised , but if the boot had been on the other foot — if Sidney , or anybody else for that matter , had done the same thing to Riddle — they would have had a good laugh and it would have been looked upon as good business . ’
13 This meeting urges the CLE to accept an independent review of all its relevant decisions and procedures in consultation with the CRE , and to award all CLE students who believe they have been discriminated against on racial grounds or otherwise treated unfairly , a deemed pass , after consultation with the independent review body .
14 He referred to the Man City game which he must have been listening to on Manc Radio .
15 And in understanding the old picture so vividly , he has prepared us to appreciate , and to understand , many things which we either could not previously have hoped to understand , or which we had been looking at with half-open eyes .
16 Interestingly enough in the interval there 's a couple of interesting observations been made by by various of you which I 'd like to mention before we actually get back on to the handout as it were .
17 All the problems that we have been wrestling with over recent years in attempting to formulate a set of principles for communicative language teaching suddenly vanish as if at the waving of a wand .
18 Such a collapse had been hinted at in molecular dynamics computer simulations .
19 Erm the element of control side of it , is extremely frustrating and have have been hinted at by previous speakers to see what are in effect regular and truly massive retail operations going on without development control , without the development of any kind of highway controls which is a county council matter is fully my argue frustrating .
20 Good courses of ore had been met with in Deep Level , but Leathart pointed out , " the whole of the ground has been more or less worked prior to the present adventurers " .
21 Whilst theses three elements have been elaborated upon in subsequent cases they are a convenient starting point for consideration of the case law .
22 Increasingly , as we 've been studying the problems of developing countries , two major changes have been occurring ; one in our own thinking that in many ways problems of developing countries are linked in extricably with things that are going on in Britain or Europe or other parts of the so-called industrial world , and secondly that as we 've been studying developing countries , we 've been finding that more and more problems in Britain and other industrial countries begin to look like some of the same problems that we 've been used to in developing countries .
23 The Law Debenture Trust has been called in as independent pension trustees .
24 Harris is believed to have said on receiving the Directive to form a Target Marking Force , that this was one more occasion where a commander in the field had been dictated to by junior officers at the Ministry .
25 Taken to extremes , a Bonsai pine , cherry or plum can embrace many more elements than a mere dwarfed tree might at first suggest to the Westerner : antiquity , continuity ( the best examples have been cared for by successive generations ) , and symbolic qualities that only a study of Zen can fully bring home .
26 In other fields ( such as valuation for rating ) evidence of agreements reached had regularly been admitted as evidence of the value which would have been arrived at in hypothetical transactions .
27 And cases that may have been tampered with by high-ranking legal figures who feared being exposed will be reviewed .
28 Given the setbacks encountered in the really big cases it is understandable that the authorities now wish to make some headway as regards the Barclays ( Asia ) and West L.B. accusations which , although dwarfed by comparison with Carrian and B.M.F.L. , were nevertheless concerned with really serious offences : as witness the long sentences imposed on those who have been dealt with on kindred matters .
29 Juveniles who break the law have been dealt with by separate courts since 1908 and since 1933 the courts have been specifically charged to have regard to the child 's welfare in all their dealings .
30 One of the problems of dealing with Community Charge , apart from sheer volumes has been the fact that different issues have been dealt with by different sections .
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