Example sentences of "been [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 His eyes , which , moments earlier , had been filled with fear and horror , were now clear , almost calm .
2 The people behind the BBC soap opera Eldorado had been filled with fear and trepidation .
3 At one time , the space between the timbers would have been filled with mud and straw .
4 Many were guessing that it had been filled with pepper or castor-oil or some other foul-tasting substance that would make the boy violently sick .
5 DSC Communications Corp , Dallas has seen off a shareholder suit brought against the company and some of its officers in 1991 over the problems some of the Baby Bells had with the software for the MegaHub Signal Transfer Point : the suit has been dismissed without prejudice and the motion to certify class action status for it has been declared moot .
6 If accountability had been enhanced , profligate councillors would have been dismissed from office and replaced by more prudent ones .
7 At almost every level , attitudes to Karajan have been riddled with paradox and inconsistency .
8 Contemporaries feared a repetition of 1918 , when post-war educational reform ( the Fisher Act ) had been stopped by depression and government limits on spending .
9 Over the last 20 years Derek 's collection of rare breeds has been joined by bronze- and black-feathered birds .
10 Willie Carson , Rock City 's rider , has a significant ride to start of the afternoon when he partners Nashwan 's half-brother , Mukddaam ( 1.30 ) , on his first racecourse appearance , which has been delayed by injury and hard ground .
11 It was clear that Thomas Grenfell had made more than his share of mistakes , it seemed that The Fine Leather Trading Company had been overspending on labour and without the expected turnover in goods moved and sold .
12 He 's been paralysed with fear since you told him . )
13 When Menelik founded Addis Ababa in 1889 the countryside had been forested with juniper and wild olive , but these had soon been cut down for firewood and building material , whereupon Menelik announced that he was going to move his capital for the third time .
14 Leading novelist Liz North , author of Dames and Ancient Enemies , has been collaborating with GCSE and A-level English students at Harrogate College of Arts and Technology as part of the Live Writing scheme funded by Yorkshire and Humberside Arts .
15 But the amount of Aramaic literature which went into international circulation must have been limited in quantity and variety .
16 Historically change has been limited in extent since traditional lore and experience play a greater part in extensive systems .
17 Mary was born in the Netherlands and has been fascinated by heraldry since she was about 11 .
18 People have always been fascinated by death and murder .
19 I have always been fascinated by fashion and fashion journalism .
20 An electic hairstyler has been withdrawn from sale after one began to produce sparks .
21 But last night other umpires stressed that Oslear had not been sacked as chairman because of his battle to support Lamb .
22 Part of her journey , from Leeds to York , had been undertaken by train and afterwards she regaled anyone who would listen with stories of the noise , smoke and speed of the train , until they were heartily sick of the whole subject .
23 Too great a focus has been placed on text and data .
24 For example , schools can ask Compact companies to provide Work Experience placements and classroom resources which will challenge gender stereotyping with relation to vocational opportunities ; young women have often been placed in engineering or construction companies , while young men have been placed in work which has traditionally been associated with young women .
25 Some 60 letters written by Sir William Hillary to the Institution between 1824 and 1845 and now in the RNLI 's archives have recently been treated for preservation and placed in a presentation box — the cost being met from money raised by the Lifeboat Enthusiasts Society .
26 In recent years she 's suffered two heart attacks and been treated for cancer and she says she ca n't stand much more of the strain .
27 The 21 year old had been treated for depression and had been prescribed tablets by his doctor on 15 occasions .
28 About 40 people have been treated for eye and skin irritation , breathing problems and nausea after being exposed to the spill .
29 The body , as the material expression of the divine life , would have been treated with respect and care .
30 Spoiled by the fact that I had always been treated with respect because I was a veterinary surgeon , a member of an honourable profession .
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