Example sentences of "been [verb] [prep] [art] great " in BNC.

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1 Not only has this led to a high degree of volatility in the foreign exchange markets , but at the same time trade and capital flows have been undertaken against a greater background of uncertainty than was customary in the 1960s .
2 This fall in pregnancy rate has been explained by the greater use of contraceptives by teenagers , particularly those over sixteen .
3 Today , and at least in academic circles though not solely these , both of these uses have been developed by a greater use of social scientific theory and by more advanced statistical techniques .
4 In our case I believe it has helped all three of us. has been exposed to a greater variety of people and situations which may have contributed to his easy-going nature .
5 Rule 5 The module version has been nominated for a greater period than the nomination latency set in the configuration file .
6 Suddenly she was feeling as though she 'd been dropped from a great height .
7 An induction loop has been installed in the Great Hall for the benefit of the hearing-impaired .
8 The inclusion of ‘ subsidiarity ’ in the Maastricht Treaty on European Union has been presented as a great victory for those who wanted to see the centralising , Federalist and irrevocable proposals of the Treaty given some sort of counterbalance for the rights of the nation state .
9 We were standing in the baroque foyer of the hotel , which had been built in the great European hotel age during the peaceful years preceding the first World War .
10 Public opinion in general is turning to a more natural approach both to the environment and to health as a reaction to the increasingly mechanized view of man and society which has been developing throughout the greater part of this century .
11 His loss has been felt as a great national calamity … assembled as we are in the execution of a Plan of great public Utility … . ’
12 Alexander III has been seen as a great lawyer pope : he made pronouncements , gave judgments and held a council for the whole Church in which the law was defined .
13 Fear infected Americans with a mass hysteria which had not been seen since the Great Crash .
14 You see I mean er er and this generally , I mean ju just as when Stalin claimed to be communist , that claim has been accepted by the great majority of people writing about what was happening in Russia in the West and in just the same way the Chinese leadership er after nineteen forty nine claimed to be communist , claimed to be standing in the tradition of Marx and that claim , generally speaking , has been accepted .
15 Terry was , originally at least , a wing-half who had captured the eye of manager Cyril Spiers , and , after a season ( 1955–56 ) of coming to maturity and settling down to the demands of League football , he put together a run of 214 consecutive League appearances ( 234 with major Cup competitions ) which was a club record at the time and has only once been exceeded by the great John Jackson .
16 Furthermore , the deregulation of bus services has shifted demand away from traditional large buses towards smaller ones , the demand for which has been met to a great extent by importers .
17 He says that the one they 're working on at the moment has bodies which appear to have been buried in a great hurry .
18 As in the case of Cubism , Apollinaire tried to give the word as much of an all-inclusive meaning as possible : ‘ Orphism has already been talked about a great deal .
19 Since the World War II , it has gradually changed from being selective , non-selective and then selective again , according to the Government and has been used as a great political tool .
20 This stone had not , apparently , been transported over a great distance .
21 She has been acclaimed as the greatest Canadian painter of the century , while her four books are said to have reached new heights of perception and understanding in the annals of Canadian literature .
22 Some of the money has been spent on a great collection of literary manuscripts .
23 Could I say Chairman , in Worcester and Shropshire are in agreement with this budget and er , which has been engineered to a great deal by the Chairman of the Budget and er , we 're here to ,
24 This would have been counted as a great success and a reasonable rate of progress in the 1850s or 1860s but was so unprecedented and so humiliating , given the contemporary assumptions about government control , that the bill was dropped .
25 That information included the fact that a depressingly low percentage of Festival-goers had been lured from the greater Glasgow and Strathclyde areas , in spite of half the population of Scotland living there .
26 His anxiety for her had been displaced by a greater worry — was that possible ?
27 I do n't think the theatre 's ever been endowed with a great deal of fundings but one or two companies in the town that have been prepared to fund obviously the one that strikes me is Gilbey 's cos the Gilbey bar I mean that was funded and like they 've been over the years they have given money even fact as a sad note cos Gilbey 's have actually demised now erm General Portfolio have actually taken on the role in Harlow of funding many things if you actually look all most things that have sponsored until recently have been sponsored by General Portfolio so they 've been to the fore in er fundering funding .
28 For this reason the history of discussion between theists and atheists about the existence of God has been characterised by a great deal of mutual misunderstanding .
29 At the end of this fourth volume , I am still not certain whether I have been reading about a great man , any more than I was at the end of the third volume , or the second , or the first .
30 But at least Holroyd leaves me in no doubt that I have been reading about a great phenomenon .
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