Example sentences of "been [verb] [prep] [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Oldham 's task at Gateshead may have been eased by the Tynesiders ' dismissal earlier this week of their American guard , Darryl Thomas .
2 THE cache of Semtex explosive and suspected bomb making equipment discovered on Hampstead Heath in London may have been hidden by an IRA cell for a bombing attack , it emerged yesterday , writes Terry Kirby .
3 The Institute had hoped that the Department of Trade and Industry would replace the existing Companies Act legislation with new provisions based on the Directives , but this route has apparently been dismissed by the DTI in its consultative document on implementation , because it would require primary legislation .
4 GARY ‘ CAT ’ JOHNSON , the coach of the season in 1987-88 , has been dismissed by the Leicester Riders .
5 Like Rey and others , he had been dismissed from the Paris Conservatoire in 1802 after various disagreements .
6 Shildon , he explained , had been dismissed from the Detroit paper towards the end of a long and exhaustive investigation which , if the results had been published , could have had serious repercussions for MacQuillan 's political associates .
7 Ingraham , a former protegé of Pindling , had been dismissed from the PLP and the Cabinet in 1984 because he had recommended the dismissal of officials who were publicly linked to drugs trafficking [ see pp. 33401-02 ] .
8 The Convention has been binding upon the United Kingdom since 1953 .
9 At an early stage four bishops had joined the queen in Suffolk ; six had later witnessed the proclamation of Prince Edward as keeper of the realm ; towards the end , more than a dozen prelates had been coerced by the London mob into support for the queen 's party .
10 There were three possible air-launched solutions : the US Air Force 's Skybolt , which could be modified to fit the V-bombers ; a simpler British ‘ ram jet ’ , called Pandora , suitable for the TSR 2 , whose development was at such an early stage that costs could only be guessed ; and further development of the existing Blue Steel stand-off bomb on which work had been stopped after the Sandys Defence Review .
11 WAYNE LARKINS , shunted into the sidings after the last of his six Test caps in 1981 , has been recalled to the England team for their one-day match against a Railway XI in Delhi today .
12 Oxford United midfielder Jim Magilton has been recalled to the Northern Ireland squad .
13 The aircraft had previously been flown in the USA as N190DH until a crash at Sellersburg , Indiana , on September 22 , 1987 , following which it was imported into the UK in 1989 and has only recently completed rebuild in the capable hands of Cliff Lovell , giving us a second airworthy DH.90 alongside Wessex Aviation & Transport 's G–AEDT .
14 The transport union TGWU yesterday claimed the last hope of reviving the Manchester docks had been jeopardised by the Manchester Ship Canal company 's indifference to obtaining a new shipping service which union officials valued at £1.5million annually .
15 Although some of the people who became involved had been radicalised by the Vietnam War , many others did not share that experience .
16 The Hancock in the Russell Collection ( now in Edinburgh ) has been joined by the Francis Coston an instrument that like the Tisseran has a gorgeously painted soundboard .
17 In the public sector , both Queen 's University and the Arts Council of Northern Ireland remain our staunch and indispensable friends — as they have been since the Festival started , and since last year they have been joined by the Belfast City Council .
18 The presentations had been delayed on the NATO side by the re-emergence of a Greek-Turkish dispute on the inclusion or non-inclusion of the Turkish port of Mersin in the treaty .
19 Whereas Prost had been delayed as the Ferrari mechanics fiddled with the right-rear wheel , Senna 's stop went like clockwork .
20 With the current leases due to expire in September 1991 , talks between the two sides began in May 1990 [ see p. 37458 ] , having been delayed by the December 1989 coup attempt .
21 Police discovered stolen credit cards in his bedroom belonging to four women who had been mugged in the Acton area of West London , offences which all took place while he was on bail .
22 Since Pike 's behaviour at the last seance , he had been banished from the Quigley presence .
23 Arrested by the Germans in 1942 , he had saved his life by pretending to be mad and had been interned in the Saint-Anne asylum until the liberation .
24 One seems to have been situated along the Stanegate , west of the town , where , in addition to single burials , a remarkable mausoleum has been investigated at Shorden Brae .
25 All three had been posted in the Penzance district and the post-mark dates were : February 1St , February 22nd , and March 21St , all in 1971 .
26 During five days of evidence , the jury heard that during the two weeks previous to the fire , the three men had been heard in an Oban pub discussing burning the house and how Ferguson and Vennard talked about the splitting of the insurance money .
27 It has long been recognized in the United States that there are difficulties in getting old agencies to implement new policies .
28 The promotion of substitute crops , whose importance had been recognized in the February 1990 Cartagena Declaration [ see pp. 37243-44 ] and other international accords , would be assisted by the US economic aid programme , worth US$150,000,000 for the 1991 fiscal year ( a 70 per cent increase ) .
29 Two bilateral United States-Soviet treaties , the Threshold Test Ban Treaty signed in July 1974 [ see pp. 26614-15 ] and the Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty signed in May 1976 [ see pp. 27813-14 ; 36060 ] , limiting underground explosions to 150 kilotons or less , were ratified by the USSR Supreme Soviet on Oct. 9 , having been ratified by the US Senate on Sept. 25 .
30 The first is the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents of 5 October 1961 , a convention which has been ratified by the United Kingdom and implemented without the need for any legislation .
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