Example sentences of "been [verb] [prep] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 've been stopped from coming into the Park because of people throwing paper and things on to the ground . ’
2 Rain said : ‘ You were told by Edouard that I had been tricked into going to the museum .
3 Li Shai Tung 's hands rested lightly on the table 's edge , the now-empty bowl he had been eating from placed to one side , out of his way .
4 Ill-feeling between the government and opposition was so serious that the National Assembly had been paralysed since convening in June , following the March 1992 general election .
5 There followed a frantic exchange of telegrams between Rangoon and Whitehall in which the Governor offered various solutions to the prevailing deadlock , finally coming up with the unexpected suggestion that a new coalition ministry was possible with Paw Tun , the last premier of Burma before the invasion ; U Saw , his predecessor as premier , an unscrupulous schemer who had been interned for dealing with the Japanese ; and Aung San , previously portrayed by Dorman-Smith as a murderer and an enemy .
6 Born in Los Angeles , his father a film producer , he had been fascinated by flying from an early age , had taken his pilot 's licence even before going to West Point .
7 ‘ Ever since I was a little boy , I 've been fascinated by acting in the cinema .
8 To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what studies have been undertaken with regard to transfer of the avionic repair department from RAF Carlisle to RAF Sealand .
9 John would probably have been reprimanded for playing with something in lesson time .
10 The cause of the decline is not certain , but researchers believe that pollution by nitrogen and sulphur oxides has acidified the soil to the extent where it can no longer support the fungi , and that this problem has been compounded by poisoning by metals such as aluminium , which have leached into the soil .
11 Clarity , which anticipated becoming that magical $100m company , has been criticized for putting in a $100m company 's infrastructure complete with six vice presidents long before it could financially justify it .
12 It is for this reason that Keynesian stabilization policies have been criticized for relying on the ‘ unexplained postulate ’ of wage rigidity and for assuming that the form of wage and price rigidity , the form of wage and price contracts , is exogenously given rather than determined by , amongst other things , the type of monetary and fiscal policies being carried out .
13 WHEN TEA was taken at 3.10 on the final afternoon of the first Test , even the more fervent student for the long game could have been forgiven for switching to automatic pilot .
14 It has been developed by responding to the needs of 13,000 customers over 11 years .
15 Having given this example of structuring I perhaps need to make clear some of the terminology I have been using before looking at more examples .
16 She has also been optimised for racing with a Kevlar sail wardrobe .
17 He feels he has been punished for looking after his customers .
18 In what remains one of the most touching and compassionate statements of his flamboyant career , The Doc told waiting newsmen ‘ I 've been punished for falling in love .
19 Resources which could be spent on health have been diverted to waiting for ill health and then trying to do something about it , usually with only limited effect .
20 You have to consider its results as they would affect all classes of the community , and the principles that underlie it , and you have to consider whether the people of this country have been consulted with regard to it .
21 Two conference enquiries have been received with regard to the forthcoming Easter Vacation .
22 The petition had been listed for hearing by Mr Registrar Scott shortly after 11am .
23 The case has now been listed for hearing before the Commissioners .
24 The Secretary of State er told me er that the has been no occasion where criticism from a companies auditors by my department 's inspectors in reports published since June nineteen seventy nine has led to an audit partner being excluded from membership of a professional accountancy body , er and no auditor criticised in D T I inspector 's reports has been debarred from auditing as a result of information er in that report .
25 As soon as Honor was old enough she had been dragooned into helping with the housework , preparing meals if cook were ill , as well as acting as her mother 's companion .
26 Beneath the shaft , there 's evidence of pollutants coming into contact underground streams , and cavers have now been forbidden from potholing near the area .
27 Beneath the shaft , there 's evidence of pollutants coming into contact underground streams , and cavers have now been forbidden from potholing near the area .
28 Beneath the shaft , there 's evidence of pollutants coming into contact underground streams , and cavers have now been forbidden from potholing near the area .
29 Beneath the shaft , there 's evidence of pollutants coming into contact underground streams , and cavers have now been forbidden from potholing near the area .
30 He had been exposed as a secret police informer under the ousted communist regime , although he insisted that his activities had been confined to reporting on foreign visitors to Sofia 's Natural History Museum ( where he had been a department head ) and on his visits abroad for scientific research ; he categorically denied that he had ever informed on dissidents .
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