Example sentences of "been [verb] [prep] [noun] [det] " in BNC.

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1 But by the beginning of the Seventeenth Century , her character had been redefined by playwrights such as Chettle and Dekker as a harlot .
2 In many instances Dwelly and others provide only the plant 's generic name , and where necessary the different species have been distinguished by qualifiers such as ( ‘ meadow ’ ) , ( ‘ marsh ’ ) etc .
3 The BCC estimates more than 19,000 companies have been placed in liquidation this year .
4 Such neglect has been criticized by authorities such as Goodhart and Veljanovski .
5 For this reason it is important to use the best models and computer codes that have been validated by experiments such as those carried out in the loss of fluid test ( LOFT ) facility in Idaho ( New Scientist , vol 93 p 521 ) .
6 The old man had been plagued by visitors all week .
7 The specific implications of these analyses for organisation theory have been developed by writers such as Benson ( 1977a , b ) , Goldman and Van Houten ( 1977 ) , Heydebrand ( 1977 ) , Clegg and Dunkerley ( 1980 ) , and Clegg ( 1981 ) , though in a rather general way .
8 Codes of practice have been developed by associations such as the Association of British Travel Agents , the Motor Agents Association and the Mail Order Traders ' Association .
9 He is very pleased with the ‘ good meaty topics ’ departments have been suggesting for scrutiny this year .
10 Have been walking around London all day .
11 They have been attracted by features such as those shown in this photograph and those on pages 28(F) and 35(A) .
12 I am pleased to announce that no decompression fatalities have been reported to DDRC this year .
13 He 'd been bullied into silence all those years in Dinosaur Jr .
14 This little Hampshire market town had not been designed for crowds such as these , and everyone kept on getting in everyone else 's way .
15 Why you been looking at bathrooms this morning ?
16 Sky City One had been built by constructs such as these , their bodies and minds tailored for the job in hand .
17 In an experiment carried out at Palmer Station on the Antarctic Peninsula in 1989 , microscopic floating ocean plants ( phytoplankton ) were taken from the nearby bay and brought into the laboratory , where they were subjected to levels of ultra-violet radiation estimated to be equivalent to the amount of ultra-violet being transmitted through the ozone hole which has been developing in Antarctica each spring in recent years .
18 Then Duncan 's son Malcolm , who had been sheltering in England all this time , joined forces with the Earl of Northumbria and , with Edward the Confessor 's approval , invaded Scotland in 1057 .
19 The Second Period was the time during which was laid down the evidence the nature of which has been revealed by men such as Charles Darwin and others , who gave to the world an understanding of the way in which evolution has operated through thousands of millions of years .
20 At the same time , however , civil rights of an economic kind have been expanded through legislation such as the right to buy council housing and to purchase shares in privatised industries .
21 In writing the last line use has been made of identities such as which result from changing a repeated suffix , in this case .
22 Over the past 20 years huge reductions have been made in wastes such as mercury , cyanide , smoke and ammonia .
23 The pair , not to mention in between the great Wilson of the Wizard and Alf Tuppe , represent the progress which has been made in comics this century .
24 All other world class through dives have been made in places such as Florida , with crystal clear warm water and roomy passages , often using underwater scooters .
25 The typewriter had been made in Delhi many years ago , copied from an English Underwood and reproduced in every detail except for the vital spring to drive the keys back .
26 This had been made by Dad some time previously , it was a beautifully constructed scaled-down version of the wooden barrows in use at that time .
27 One problem with this experiment is that it presented subjects with a very artificial task and , not surprisingly , various criticisms have been made by authors such as Hupet and Le Boudec ( 1977 ) and Schultz and Kamil ( 1979 ) .
28 She 'd been living in England such a long time , of course , it was a bit too free and easy over there .
29 Then a wave formed , the like of which had not been seen at Pipeline that winter .
30 This kind of flotation to raise large capital sums has already been seen in cases such as Bairstow Eves and Connells .
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