Example sentences of "been [verb] [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was coloured a garish blue , an obvious re-spraying job after massive areas of the body-work had been filled in after various collisions .
2 The ruins of the rack shelving were leaning against the wall ; the books had been stacked up in neat piles beside it .
3 It is , therefore , a site of some strategic significance in any military context , a fact which has been recognized continuously since Roman times , when , at least under Agricola if not before , a fort was established here .
4 The authorities in Bosnia-Hercegovina ( whose independence , proclaimed in March — see p. 38832 — had been recognized widely since early April — -see pp. 38848-49 ) repeatedly requested foreign military aid and there were warnings that a flood of refugees , both Moslems and ethnic Croats , could pose a serious problem for neighbouring countries .
5 Among the canonist collectors and commentators at Bologna ( and probably also in Rome from time to time ) were the Englishmen , Gilbert and Alan , whose importance in canon law scholarship has been recognized only in recent years .
6 Colic , eczema , asthma , persistent runny nose , glue ear , headaches , migraine and even behavioural problems , have all been traced back to certain foods or food additives .
7 The salmonella has been traced back to contaminated Scotch eggs .
8 The plaque was unadorned , the letters deeply carved in an elegant script reminiscent of Eric Gill , and Dalgliesh remembered his aunt telling him that it had been placed there by previous owners in the late twenties , when the cottage was originally extended .
9 A number of public sector pay awards have been treated leniently through supplementary estimates being granted , or have even been placed outside the limits .
10 These patients had been treated earlier for pernicious anaemia in the same hospital between 1972 and 1985 .
11 Not only in P P G seven but as has been pointed out in other erm guidance notes such as four erm and three .
12 It has been pointed out by various ‘ consumer experts ’ and journalists , who feel they have stumbled on a minor scandal that deserves an exposé , that many mineral waters contain significant amounts of metals and salts .
13 It introduces , as has been pointed out by numerous speakers , the famous eighteen month rule .
14 Various derivatives of the BCG matrix have been developed both by other consultancy firms and by large companies such as Shell , but a description of just one of these will suffice .
15 Briefings have been developed exclusively for senior management ultimately responsible for the design , development , marketing and selling of IT-based products and systems .
16 In Scotland the most obvious example of this — the Scottish Development Agency ( SDA ) — is not strictly a local government but a regional organization , yet in many ways it has provided a model for initiatives which have since been developed elsewhere at local level .
17 It was as large a set as had been developed earlier for general use , except for the London area ( where a few larger sets had been installed in the 1930s and some larger sets of somewhat antiquated design were also completed by the BEA in its early years ) , There were , however , doubts about the flexibility in start-up and shut-down times for the new 60MW and other new designs , and a fortiori about more advanced designs .
18 The Primary Enterprise Pack — This support pack has been developed especially for primary school teachers by the Polytechnic of North London .
19 The point of departure is the general valuation model that has been developed out of discounted cash flow ( DCF ) techniques .
20 My name had been bandied about in recent weeks , ever since the ban was reduced by two years .
21 Administrative assets " primarily used for the purposes of the former Ministry of State Security/National Security Office " would " accrue to the Trust Agency unless they have already been given over to new social or public purposes since the above mentioned date " .
22 As more animals have been brought inside by the introduction of intensive feeding systems , so more land has been given up to arable production .
23 Len Daniels had been given up for dead by his wife .
24 How many goals have been given away with faulty back passes ?
25 Aunt Nessy had been one of those children who , in the days of large families , had been given away to elderly childless relatives to be brought up as a kind of maid-of-all-work and as an insurance against old age ; and what had upset her most when the parting came was having to leave her youngest sister , Beatrice , on whom she had lavished the mother-love within her — birthright of the children she was destined never to conceive .
26 Support for Indian influence has been given also by certain Aboriginal elders and initiates with whom I have conversed , and my explorations in India into serpent worship have strongly indicated that the concept of the Rainbow Serpent could be a direct transposition from Indian serpent lore .
27 If pain and other symptoms were being so badly managed these patients should have been referred promptly to other health care professionals who might have been able to provide a better quality of analgesia .
28 The theme of mutual advantage rather than a sense of duty in financial relationships between kin again emerges from this example ; or to put it another way , it suggests that historically in Britain financial relationships between adult kin have been regarded typically as two-way exchange rather than one-way support .
29 Along one wall of the warehouse , four loose-boxes had been partitioned off by old refrigerators pushed together , which made very satisfactory walls .
30 And although there is less new material to play on your deck , second-hand shops are bulging with whole collections that have been turfed out by over-zealous digital converts .
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