Example sentences of "been [verb] [adj] for the " in BNC.

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1 Interestingly , no similar safeguard has yet been considered appropriate for the video industry under the terms of the Video Recordings Act 1984 .
2 Its contents certainly merit much closer attention than on the whole has been made possible for the general public around Europe .
3 Additional funds have been made available for the purpose and , accordingly , the reforms — including the establishment of trusts — cause no adverse effects on the hospital maintenance programme .
4 The two other presidential candidates , Alfonso Santos of the Christian Democratic Front and Guadalupe de Seita , an independent , announced at the end of February that they were withdrawing from the ballot , complaining that government funds had been made available for the Trovoada campaign .
5 Co-ordinator Pam McHale said £14,500 had been made available for the Streetlink scheme and that approval was expected for another nine schemes over the next week .
6 With the recent introduction of Standard Grade and Revised Higher Grade , special budgets have been made available for the purchase of all the additional apparatus needed for the very attractive , modern courses .
7 It was but lately that realty had been made liable for the debts of its deceased owner .
8 Institute Council member Douglas Llambias said the fine ‘ was out of all proportion to a guilty verdict ’ , and added that if the fines were capped , ‘ we should have been publicising that for the last 12 months .
9 The bar fire had been lit ready for the customers .
10 I thought you 'd been doing that for the thirty whatsit of July .
11 I have been doing this for the past 15 years .
12 They 've been threatening that for the last fifteen minutes or so .
13 But leading scorer Ferdinand , who 'd set up the only goal for Andy Impey , has been passed fit for the Stamford Bridge derby .
14 Despite the decline in its popularity , homoeopathy has not been standing still for the entire twentieth century .
15 Moulvi ali Zoha , a Rohingya Muslim who arrived in Bangladesh on Monday , told United News , a Bangladeshi news agency , that the soldiers were angered by the Muslims ' breaking open the doors of the mosque , which had been kept locked for the last few months since the Burmese authorities clamped down on the Rohingyas .
16 As we were paying our visit at the end of the morning , he may have been dressed ready for the office .
17 A minute earlier he had been feeling sorry for the men who were still out on house-to-house questioning .
18 He had been held scoreless for the first twenty-five minutes of the game but certainly went to town afterwards !
19 Zhu was reportedly dismissed because of his links with liberal policies , and might have been held responsible for the participation of union members in the pro-democracy protests of May and June .
20 The Gang , headed by Mao 's wife Jiang Qing , had been held responsible for the excesses of China 's 1966-76 Cultural Revolution .
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