Example sentences of "have seen [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We have seen since the early 1980s appeals to the family , attacks on the ‘ moaning Minnies ’ and ‘ whingers ’ who can not make it , and counteractions to permissiveness .
2 The exact timing of the sensitive period differs between species ; domestic chicks , for example , only follow objects they have seen during the first three days after hatching , whereas for mallard ducklings , the phase lasts for 10–15 days after hatching .
3 Long experience suggests that magnetic disks have seen off a long series of challenges over the past 15 years — but a review of the survival and thriving of the technology gives a very partial and inadequate view .
4 This — which several British critics have seen as a post-AIDS film — is postmodernist in its mixture of genres : it starts out as a straightforward melodrama and shifts into a horror or ‘ stalk and slash ’ genre .
5 The same is not true of the West 's other non-Arab ally , Turkey , which some have seen as a potential guardian of the Levant .
6 In fact , it is the facility to achieve high degrees of such co-ordination and control in its complex inter-market organization and state-facilitated integration which many commentators have seen as the strategic edge of Japanese capitalism .
7 ESA 's decision on ISO will probably toll the knell for the Shuttle Infrared Telescope Facility , which many American astronomers have seen as the next most important project for the 1990s after AXAF .
8 Each yoke carries a properly designed and built-in PTT button , unlike some of the Jubilee clipped-on afterthoughts I have seen on a great many Wichita and Lock Haven singles , with the associated ‘ curly cable ’ disappearing behind the lower instrument panel .
9 But many junior doctors are unhappy about what they have seen of the new deal so far .
10 ‘ Marcus is the best young athlete and talent I have seen for a long time , ’ said Allison .
11 If you saw it over the weekend I mean there was I think it was group sex er it was it wa was gay sex and it was all going on I mean it was all I thought it was the most exciting thing I have seen for a long time to be quite honest .
12 Certainly , we have seen over the last seven years in Britain new educational legislation of a kind which is having a profound influence upon practice in education departments and schools — for better or for worse .
13 As we have seen from the above results many common language structures are domain-independent , and to provide comprehensive coverage of these a collocation dictionary must be based on as varied a corpus as possible .
14 The footage was all stuff you have seen from the 70 FA Cup , Burnley goals , etc .
15 This is the highest quality educational package I have seen in a long time and is well worth registering .
16 As we have seen in a previous chapter , he argued that such an illusory growth could in fact mask a real decline in values and use-values .
17 As we have seen in the preceding chapters , language development gives rise to a complex set of interrelated abilities .
18 As we have seen in the preceding chapter , some of these controls have overtly political agendas .
19 If there is an overcrowding of the scope of the curriculum , however , it is more than matched , as we have seen in the primary illustrations , by the prospective assessment system .
20 ‘ I 'm confident we have nothing to fear in the market place provided we continue to aim for the type of quality sheep that we have seen in the best forward at Stoneleigh . ’
21 As we have seen in the previous chapter , there may be several other processor registers accessible to the programmer apart from the accumulator , for example the MQ register .
22 As you have seen in the previous exercise , the interception angle is normally decided by you , based on the number of degrees off the required track and also the wind effect .
23 As we have seen in the previous chapter , the terms semiotics or semiology are now usually used for the general theory of signs , which in its European structuralist versions has played an enormously important role in modern literary theory .
24 However , as we have seen in the previous section , there may be an alternative explanation for the breadth-first behaviour .
25 You have seen in the past operations around the world dropping relief supplies etc .
26 What we have seen in the 1980s is a process by which poverty has been redefined as to do with the ‘ inner city ’ .
27 As we have seen in the last chapter the surface of even the smoothest glass is infested with tiny invisible cracks and even if it were not , it soon would be when it had brushed against some other solid .
28 You have already isolated the woman , picked her out from all the women you have seen in the last hour , all the women you have seen today .
29 Now try to change the following to improper fractions : unc As you have seen in the last few questions , improper fractions Numerator are " top heavy " .
30 The aim of this research is to investigate the role of money income targets for a small open economy such as the UK , and their relationship with policies designed to avoid fluctuations in the exchange rate of the magnitude we have seen in the last few years .
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