Example sentences of "have to do with [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 now this particular question , this , it 's a very solemn and searching question , it belongs to a group of three questions found in the New Testament which have to do with a matter of salvation , the first one is , we wo n't look up the reference and that for time this morning , the first one is the question that the disciples put to Jesus , who then can be saved , that 's in Matthew , chapter nineteen , then there 's this one in Luke thirteen , are there few that be saved and then that very , very personal question that was put not to Jesus but to Paul by the Philippinean jailer in act sixteen , what must I do to be saved , three questions in the new testaments about salvation , who then can be saved , are there few that be saved , what must I do to be saved , you know as Christians you possibly found yourself , asking yourself the , the same question that these people put to Jesus , why are there so few Christians , look about our own town , think of your own neighbourhood , your own street , think of the place where you work how few there are who are followers of Jesus Christ , how few there are who have committed themselves to Jesus Christ to of receive him as their saviour , who 've have accepted him as saviour , how few there are when you compare it er to all the others who are rejecting him and er who are living their life regardless , how true it is that the great majority of people seem in , in this present day to have little time for God or for the things of God , they 've got time for all sorts of other things , but God and his claim on their life is crowded out , how many there are like that , how few there are who have submitted to Jesus Christ and have received him as their saviour or so it seems .
2 Thank you very much , Sir Leonard for that , in th in the beginning of your address you posed the question , what does a company like I B M have to do with a community and then proceeded to answer your question , I think in a most , er , comprehensive way , and I I speak as someone who lives in a county , Hampshire , where I B M has a strong er , base , and I know from personal experience as a volunteer in that county , how much we value the contacts that we have with I B M and the way in which we work together with them in the way that you have described .
3 Mr Collins told The Independent : ‘ These are long standing , difficult , complex , sensitive issues relating to security , which have to do with the preservation of life or acts which result in the deaths of innocent people .
4 The reasons essentially have to do with the relevance of IQ to creativity and are exposed when we compare both the similarities and the differences between Cox 's historical figures and Terman 's gifted children .
5 What did this man Tunney — I knew Tunney was a man — have to do with the case ?
6 shall I tell you what , we have to do with the baking table which I 'll tell you about after .
7 The principles of pedagogy have to do with the craft of teaching .
8 – Some have to do with the child 's temperament ; others relate to parents ' physical and emotional resources and , of course , their methods of discipline ( or lack of them ! ) .
9 The most obvious questions have to do with the elements or components of the curriculum : the things that go to make it up ( see Figure 1.1 ) .
10 The deeper problems in the art market have to do with the depredations of the auction houses .
11 Many have to do with the aims and purposes of the writer , who may strive after qualities such as brevity , or elegance or drama , or precision , or logical clarity .
12 And he propounded evidence that a great many of the ailments we have in modern society have to do with the way we construct our buildings .
13 But these considerations , which are no fault of the present author 's , should not be allowed to diminish pleasure in and admiration for the parts of her book under review that have to do with the history of ideas .
14 Clearly a number of factors that have to do with the history of English ( chiefly the reported merger of meat/mate in the sixteenth century ) , with patterns of language maintenance , and with phonological theory and description , have also motivated the choice of this variable , and we shall return to these in chapter 5 .
15 But some of these projects clearly also have to do with the problem of conserving the built heritage .
16 Spoken dialogue being omitted , synopses are provided which make it absolutely impossible to tell where the musical numbers occur and what they have to do with the plot .
17 The answer can be divided into three parts , the first two of which have to do with the relationship between evolution and embryonic development .
18 Modality or modal meanings have to do with the attitude of the speaker to the hearer or to what is being said , with such things as certainty , possibility , and obligation .
19 These conventions or maxims have to do with the quantity ( or informativeness ) , the quality ( truthfulness ) , the manner ( clearness ) and relevance of conversational contributions .
20 ‘ FALLACIES of the modern worldview have to do with the conception of the world as substance or machinery , mistaking abstractions for reality , confusing origins and truth , failing to attribute feeling to things that feel , recognising ethics as exclusively anthropocentric , thinking a posteriori , objectifying facts as separated from values , reducing the complex to the simple and dividing knowledge into distinct disciplines that produce experts who are often wrong . ’
21 Since these parameters have to do with the FMS drivers , checking and setting them is described in Appendix D , FMS Drivers .
22 I should like to consider momentarily the application of such an approach to the various ( conflicting ) new testament verses which have to do with the status of women .
23 Empirical criteria have to do with the process of application .
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