Example sentences of "have been [v-ing] on [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For the past 150 years our politicians have been droning on about the need to train the British worker to the level of the German , oblivious to the somewhat obvious fact that we are not Germans so can not be expected to behave like them .
2 ‘ Businesses which have been clinging on for months are now going over the edge . ’
3 Liverpool have been holding on since November 9 for news of the left-sided 22-year-old while government officials check to see if there are any objections from the FA or Players ' Union .
4 today the two counties have been playing on in the championship and here 's how it finished … they tried hard to get a result but rain stopped play … and the game ended in a draw …
5 It contains the first detailed plans for the Himalayas , which all the big names in the business have been working on for years .
6 Borders Regional Council also believes the new fishing dimension in the funding rules , given the fishing industry at Eyemouth , will strengthen the case for access to rural development to finance which they have been working on with Scottish Borders Enterprise for several years .
7 This allowance is very limited — it is available only for married women whose child/children are over four years of age and who have been signing on for the previous six months .
8 Section 40 consultations have been going on since May 1988 and BR 's plan is expected in the late Autumn of 1989 .
9 Negotiations have been going on since October 1990 and it seems that the Treasury was querying its £4 million valuation .
10 Talks have been going on since last night and the former Celtic and Manchester United star is set to travel north to sort out the details of his contract .
11 Its new home is Courtaulds ' technical library , where training sessions have been going on since mid-November .
12 Although this written account is extremely tenuous , patient archaeological excavations that have been going on for many years on Santorin are beginning to reveal a story to rival that of Pompeii .
13 Talks have been going on for some time on a range of scientific matters including fusion , nuclear safety and the environment .
14 Talks have been going on for weeks over the future of the Royal marriage , but despite repeated attempts to save it , the Queen finally decided it was all over on Tuesday afternoon .
15 Efforts to procure his extradition , which have been going on for five years , and which seemed for a time to have been successful , have now been thwarted , at least for the moment .
16 Is he aware that the negotiations have been going on for five years , that we must have a replacement for the multi-fibre arrangement that will enable our textiles to penetrate the markets of countries which do not allow any textiles in and those with tariffs of 200 per cent. , and that even the United States has a tariff of 36 per cent .
17 It is reported on the front page of The Times today that the common agricultural policy — that squalid policy which is costing British families an average of £18.50 a week each — will destroy the world free trade talks , which have been going on for four or five years , and involve just about every country in the world .
18 ‘ And these unveilings have been going on for eight years ?
19 Efforts to find a suitable site for the Vintage & Rotary Wing Collection , with workshops in Stoke-on-Trent , have been going on for quite a while , but the reaction has always been negative — we even had the comment that ‘ We do n't want an aircraft scrapyard here ! ’
20 Eyes turned to boarded up windows and rubbish strewn in gardens and the depressing picture moved the prince to say : ‘ This is why I have been going on for so long about architecture in the environment . ’
21 Those discussions have been going on with everyone involved .
22 Thus the expedition is neatly manipulated to include many of the requirements of the national curriculum : ‘ We are very keen to make sure that we do n't lose all the good things that have been going on in schools , ’ she says .
23 I have been banging on about South German wheat beers for years , and I am delighted to see that they are becoming more easily available in Britain .
24 As the prospects of a Tory victory recedes , the likes of Sunderland car magnate Sir Tom Cowie and Tyneside bus burgher Martin Ballinger have been banging on about the Tory cause .
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