Example sentences of "have been [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Eight properties have been completed as part of the first renovation phase .
2 Two important road improvements in Cleveland have been completed on schedule .
3 Two recent contracts of note which have been completed for Sweden are The Globe Hotel and The Park Hotel .
4 Although some projects have been completed within budget when cost control systems have been weak or , in some cases , non-existent , such projects are exceptional .
5 For example , symptom diaries that have been completed in blocks of different coloured ink arouse a suspicion that the patient may have been completing the diary in blocks of days rather than daily .
6 In his own interests the licence-holder , when structural alterations have been completed in compliance with an order , should intimate that fact to the clerk to the licensing board .
7 Since 1974 , some 6600 dwellings have been completed in Blyth Valley , the bulk of which are in the private sector ( 4400 ) .
8 Law Society approved profit and loss sheets should be issued and it should be the responsibility of the reporting accountant to ensure that these have been completed by firms ;
9 ‘ Two Sinn Fein members have been elected to Craigavon council .
10 Lord Winterstoke became the first of five Pro-Chancellors who have been elected from Wills families .
11 SECRET service agents HAVE been snooping on Princess Diana and other members of the Royal Family , The People can reveal .
12 The difficulties experienced in designating Marine Nature Reserves have been exemplified by Skomer which was first proposed as a Marine Nature in 1982 , reached a formal consultative stage in 1986 , and is still being considered for designation by the Secretary of State for Wales in 1989 .
13 It becomes difficult then to adduce abstract principles which should have a life of their own , quite apart from whether they have been exemplified within history , which may be used to judge history .
14 The world 's needy have been deprived of £10 billion of aid due to the cuts made by the present Government in Labour 's programme .
15 The government estimates that 250,000 children have been deprived of education .
16 Working with children , I often find myself thinking that their young minds have been deprived of innocence , and usually a good deal of fun and happiness along with it .
17 But they have been sneering at America since Sidney Smith , François Mauriac and George Grosz and will go on doing so long after Harold Pinter is gone .
18 Quality systems have naturally been around within Ciba Geigy for a long time and all aspects of manufacturing on the site have been registered to ISO 9001 since 1987 .
19 A further 40 percent of young people have been registered for jobs and training at careers offices for between two and six months .
20 My Department is writing to all those who have been registered as objectors to the applications , with details of the arrangements .
21 However , only a few large companies — 25 of them — have been registered as software exporters with branch offices abroad .
22 COMMUTERS on Merseyside have been warned of disruption on the railway network over the weekend , as engineers carry out essential maintenance work on the Wirral line .
23 Two huntsmen have been cleared of ill-treating a horse by repeatedly striking it with a whip .
24 Fell and moorland have been cleared of bracken and heather in order to provide extra grassland and , most notoriously , the ‘ serried ranks ’ of conifers have marched across the hillsides .
25 Two detectives accused of altering a suspect 's statement to conceal the fact that he 'd been unlawfully arrested have been cleared of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice .
26 Much of the land has been used for squatter settlements for refugees from the fighting in Mozambique , while other parts have been cleared for banana plantations .
27 Some mangrove lands have been cleared for shrimp projects that never operated .
28 There has been a judicial inquiry into what happened , but many of my constituents are being subjected , once again , to serious allegations , although they have been cleared in court .
29 Library users have been protesting against plans to close libraries as part of a cost-cutting exercise .
30 ‘ A lot of English — and particularly male — writers have been influenced by Greene .
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