Example sentences of "have not [vb pp] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 You will appreciate that as Chairman I have not given up the fight to get as much financial aid and help as is possible to keep our heads above water ; we must fight to keep all that we hold dear and promote the Medau that we all benefit from both in health and fitness , and as teachers , financially .
2 ‘ However , they have not ruled out the possibility of fish farms on streams that drain into the lake , which could be harmful if their waste enters the lough waters .
3 While the official party line remains that the Liberal Democrats would vote against a Queen 's Speech that did not contain a commitment to introduce proportional representation at Westminster , party strategists have not ruled out the option of abstaining .
4 ‘ We have not ruled out the possibility she was struck in the face with a weapon . ’
5 Even high street chains like Hennes who have consistently used the top models since 1989 have not ruled out the possibility of change .
6 The water authorities have not ruled out the possibility of flooding large Parts of the Dales , however , and , ever greedier in their search for uplands to despoil and destroy , will have to be watched carefully .
7 In spite of most people perceiving themselves as planners , the survey reveals that in some of the most important and fundamental areas of life they have not made even the most minimal plans .
8 I have not heard even the chief Opposition Treasury spokeman talk in terms of putting one penny on VAT .
9 Another example — we have not examined how the government 's funding is affecting housing trusts , or its impact on the local housing market .
10 Mr Lilley said : ‘ We have not worked out the number of staff reductions .
11 I have not worked out the exact link but the motto on all silver is same and ditto some old aunts in the west of Ireland perhaps by now dead ) .
12 We have not described properly the impact of refugees from Bosnia who have already arrived in the United Kingdom — local councils for Birmingham and Norwich are having difficulty in finding money to house them .
13 They have not handed over the arguments to be articulated by lawyers and scientists even now that they have taken the city and the tannery to court in a law-suit claim for $31 million .
14 Although , ’ he added , ‘ I 'm surprised we have not had yet The Duke and the Typewriter . ’
15 Meanwhile New Scientist understands that ministers have not taken up the offer of the Greenfield committee to hold further meetings to consider the issues of generic drugs further .
16 So far — perhaps because of difficulty in finding a sufficiently masochistic emissary — the Americans have not taken up the suggestion .
17 How is it , then , that such findings have not brought about the introduction of a formal corrective mechanism ?
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