Example sentences of "have not [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Appearance money is officially frowned upon by the European Tour but the creases in the foreheads of the officers have not been discerned by the Spaniard .
2 Marek Dabrowski , a former deputy finance minister in Poland and an adviser to the Russian government , takes the argument to its logical conclusion : comparison with Poland 's experience in switching from communism to capitalism shows that the ailments afflicting Russia have not been caused by the imposition of shock therapy .
3 They won that Test — and have not been beaten by England since , chalking up seven more victories and five draws .
4 Mr. Walker : In fairness , they have not been tripled in Wales this year , but over the past few years .
5 The background to cuts was set out in the 1976 White paper on public Expenditure ( Cmnd 6393 ) : ‘ Popular expectations for improved public services and welfare programmes have not been matched by growth in output or by willingness to forgo improvements in private living standards in favour of these programmes . ’
6 The cost of coffee is being investigated by the Office of Fair Trading after claims that price falls on international markets have not been matched in the shops .
7 Most people have not been indoctrinated into religious faith but into a questioning or ignoring of religion as basically superseded if not actually false .
8 Happily , the principal Caithness lochs have not been affected by the tree planters , and visiting anglers will find splendid sport on outstanding waters such as Watten , St John 's and Heilen , all readily available at modest cost .
9 Although prepared foods are very good there is a feeling that there may be some advantage to live foods in that their vitamins , minerals and so on have not been affected by any processing .
10 You can then go through the filing cabinets to locate the files that have not been stamped within a given period .
11 Thus the order can not be made in the case of a contract for the sale of unascertained goods which have not been appropriated to the contract — Re Wait ( see paragraph 3–04 above ) .
12 In essence the principles of pastoral care for children have not been extended to adults .
13 This provides not only a familiar and welcome face to people who have not been exposed to library services but also provides a medium of communication through the use of community languages .
14 Great care has been taken in the compilation of this guide , but we would advise you to check that particulars have not been altered since the guide 's publication .
15 The crop will be examined to ensure that the potatoes have not been altered in any way other than in their new ability to manufacture the lectin protein .
16 The issue of interpretation arises again , because many systems considered have not been examined with fibre optics , through they have this potential .
17 Intelligence sources in West Germany say that efforts to stop the current wave of IRA attacks have not been hampered by rivalries and that different organisations have been co-operating well together .
18 It is worth remembering , however , that juries have not been noted for their sympathy towards rape victims .
19 With all due respect to my fellow countrymen , German prisoners of war have not been noted for escaping from England , not since the First World War . ’
20 The section only applies to public houses ( for meaning of " public house , " see s.139(1) ) in respect of which applications for Sunday opening have not been granted under Sched. 4 , and , in respect of which , part of the premises have been adapted and set aside for the provision of the customary main meal at mid-day or in the evening or both , The procedure for applying the section to the premises is similar to the procedure under 5,57 , Before a licence-holder can apply the section to his premises , he has to obtain a declaration of satisfaction from the licensing board that part of his premises are adapted and used or intended to be used for habitually providing the customary main meal at mid-day or in the evening and that the adapted part does not contain a bar counter ( subs .
21 There is a joy in looking for the kindly and generous action in the daily round ; a kindly smile from some ordinary person whose responses have not been blighted by desire or greed or envy .
22 Oxygen is recommended for use in children admitted to hospital with severe pneumonia but the recently suggested clinical criteria for treatment with oxygen have not been validated in a clinical setting .
23 If the following questions have not been answered by the time you start your new job , make sure you have the answers as quickly as possible .
24 In some areas , such as the Three Valleys water company region north of London , aquifers have not been replenished at all .
25 Jacopo della Quercia has never enjoyed the popularity of his fellow sculptors Ghiberti and Donatello , and his works have not been favoured by time .
26 Unfortunately , these encouraging results have not been substantiated in prospective studies of special forms of treatment , although it is worth noting that no proper , prospective controlled study in which patients have been randomly assigned to either a treatment or a no-treatment group has been carried out .
27 Models to explain principles and concepts are usually welcomed by groups , particularly if biology and physics have not been studied in school .
28 They are very experienced and often very powerful figures within their unions , but have not been studied in depth for almost twenty years .
29 Carboxyhaemoglobin concentrations have not been studied in direct relation to gastric secretion in man but this agent may cause relative anoxia of the cell ; both anoxia and the thiocyanate ion ( another cigarette product ) have been shown to prevent the transformation by histamine of a resting parietal cell to its active acid secreting state .
30 So far , the various Hawker pension funds have not been merged with those of its new parent company and the £512m BTR surplus does not include anything for Hawker .
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