Example sentences of "have be [verb] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Its sudden arrival on the scene must have been embarrassing for those who have been trying to deny that federalism was on the agenda .
2 Here he is , h h he has the very unpleasant duty of explaining and justifying the drafting of this measure a a and I do hope it would be , it would be really rather an unexpected realisation of an ambition , but nevertheless one hopes eternal if my Noble Friend were to get up and say that as a result these few remarks that I have been tempted to make that some kind of effort is going to be made to tidy up as th th the processes whereby er such stuff appears , is allowed to appear on the pages of the Statute Book er er I do recall that when the Charities Bill was going through several committees , my Noble Friend was n't who who was d d dealing with the Bill in , on behalf of the Government was exceedingly helpful and I hope that he will show the same degree of goodwill today er and , and , and er h if he 's very clear and devote is very considerable energies to persuading those professional obs obfuscators who are responsible for this kind of garbage to do better in the future .
3 Generations of Britain 's elite have been taught to believe that there are no absolute moral principles .
4 Shock and indignation jostle for position in the following quote from a speech of the president of the Royal Society , delivered in 1978 : ‘ Ominously , voices have been raised claiming that limits should be set to scientific inquiry — that there are questions which should not be asked and research which should not be undertaken . ’
5 Letters that have been received show that Mr and Mrs Cannon are most excellent hosts .
6 It is no disparagement of the successes which have been achieved to say that cancer remains , largely , unconquered .
7 It has been discussed whether this increase may also be related to the proliferative capacity of the cells and results have been presented suggesting that H5 , the avian counterpart of H1 , may indeed play some role in proliferation ( 13,14 ) .
8 We have been given to understand that our forest of Chippenham around the place called ‘ Holloway ’ is so dense that malefactors are able to lie hid in those parts , and so travellers are threatened with frequent losses , and some incur peril of lives and goods there .
9 I have been asked to see that you are properly looked after in your retirement . ’
10 Constitutional arrangements have been developed to ensure that bureaucracies remain responsive to political direction .
11 The context of speech-making and the techniques and conventions that have been developed ensure that many sides of a case are put at the same time as maintaining the proprieties due to different statuses .
12 Over the past years , many claims have been made suggesting that the inclusion of some particular food in a slimming diet would specifically help overweight people to shed weight more quickly and effectively .
13 More recently , tests have been made to check that orbits calculated according to GR simultaneously fit the planetary orbital data from a wide range of measurements ( Section 8.4 ) .
14 Since the idea of earth energies was first put forward in the 1930s , attempts have been made to show that the ancient peoples could detect such energies and that , given the right conditions , we can do so today .
15 Initially , the main aim of this research was to demonstrate the inaccuracy of Chomsky 's characterization of the input as " random and degenerate " but , more recently , attempts have been made to show that particular features of this register actually facilitate the learner 's task .
16 This brochure , published by the Borough Councils of Brighton and Hove , contains only establishments that have been inspected to ensure that they meet strict minimum standards .
17 He noted that the Education Secretary , Kenneth Clarke , had also been invited to attend , adding : ‘ I have been led to believe that what he lacks in understanding he makes up for in bravery . ’
18 In both cases they have been led to believe that true faith is doubt-free and that doubt is the same thing ( and just as sinful ) as unbelief .
19 Not content with claiming that I ended up in jail , many people have been led to believe that I murdered my wife , who , I can state categorically , is still living in Selly Oak , Birmingham .
20 Students generally have been led to believe that they can not all achieve a worthwhile level of learning .
21 For generations they have been led to believe that Britain and America secretly pull the strings in their country .
22 I have been led to believe that you act as Public Relations Advisor to certain landowners within Highland Region , and should value an opportunity to discuss with you , initially very informally , certain projects for the Association for the Protection of Rural Scotland which which I am involved , if this is in fact the case ?
23 Traditionally , United Kingdom law has been generous and compilations of non-original matter have been protected providing that some judgment at least has been expended in its making ( see Macmillan & Co .
24 From the evidence available , I have been forced to conclude that there are indeed good reasons for most , although not always all , of the large price differential .
25 One consequence of recent trends , therefore , is that literary critics have been forced to recognise that they have had to become involved in issues of history formerly the preserve of historians , and can no longer take history for granted .
26 Is it not simply because of this : that the government , because of their appalling mismanagement of our economy , have been forced to concede that they simply could not achieve that inflation target which they had set for themselves .
27 What is more , the experimental results that have been taken to demonstrate that retrieval plays a part in latent inhibition can not demonstrate this failure to be the sole source of the effect — these experiments show that a CS-US association is indeed formed after latent inhibition training and can be revealed if the conditions of testing are appropriate ; they do not show convincingly that the association is just as strong as that formed in subjects given no pre-exposure to the target stimulus .
28 Instead steps have been taken to ensure that the classes and their rights can be ascertained from the company 's public documents .
29 Unless steps have been taken to ensure that the people of the organisation are fully informed of the changes that are proposed , that they support the changes , and see themselves as gaining from them , then there is no reason to assume that they will cooperate with the changes : indeed , there is good reason to assume that they will try to ensure that the changes do not work .
30 And if there had been no synthetic drugs to control the resistant strains , would the decline of streptomycin have been taken to prove that antibiotics were a waste of time because organisms adapted to them too easily ?
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