Example sentences of "have not a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In 1703 Bishop Nicholson records a Churchwarden 's remark characteristic of the sturdy independence of Dalesmen , ‘ Except the Vicar and the Schoolmaster , we have not a Gentleman among us , nor can any remember the time we had a Beggar . ’
2 As a child of 16 , I was supposed to have some gift of description ; now I have not a particle of descriptive power … .
3 ‘ I have n't a man in my life because I do n't want one .
4 ‘ But I can tell you this , Ranulf , even though I have n't a shred of evidence , I believe the deaths of those two young people have something to do with the murder of Lady Eleanor Belmont . ’
5 I have n't a chance in hell .
6 If the subject is a " classical " one — one that changes little and is of long standing — you may find old editions of early textbooks on the library shelves but , if the subject is a developing one , you have n't a hope of borrowing the right texts , because they are all out on loan : give up the idea .
7 Herol Graham have n't a prayer of ever facing Eubank .
8 I 've just spent six months in Cottonvale and I mean its degrading , I mean cos your locked up in a cell from eight o'clock at night till six o'clock in the morning and your not got any toilet facilities you 've got to use a potty if you want to go to the toilet and it is degrading , I mean there 's people in there , well I was a first offender the first time I was in , but I mean there 's people in there seventeen year old that have n't a clue about life in general and it is degrading for them .
9 ‘ But we have n't a clue about what causes antioxidant differences between raw and cooked food , ’ adds Professor James .
10 I need to do a CV for tomorrow and basically have n't a clue about structure or content .
11 I have n't a clue about the layout of this house , so you 're going to have to point me in the right direction ! ’
12 ‘ I have n't a clue about it and it would be a matter for management anyway , ’ she said .
13 ‘ I have n't a clue about it and it would be a matter for management anyway , ’ she said .
14 Interviewing prospective candidates was quite an eye opener for people who have n't a clue on what that job entails .
15 I still have n't a clue of what er the
16 Picking up on ‘ The Real Share Issue ’ and ‘ The Poor have n't a Share in the World ’ we may be able to give the whole campaign a title and see each unit as ‘ A Share for the Poor ’ .
17 He 's the one who gets the wages for it while I have n't a lira to myself not even to buy a pair of stockings , stuck here in this gloomy hole day after day — and he goes out working , he goes out to work when according to the contract he 's not allowed , I should be allowed but not him .
18 You have n't a penny to your name . "
19 The truth is the bulk of the £250M shortfall in Poll Tax , a debt mountain that has steadily grown over three years , is owed not by rebels , but by people who have n't a penny to their name .
20 It turns Jones into penniless Jones , Smith into penniless Smith , and if I rob Smith and Jones together they have n't a penny between them .
21 " I 've worked all my life , I 've never not worked , even if it was housework , and I have n't a penny in the bank .
22 I have n't a lot of time for Rodney but I really do feel sorry for Eleanor , ’ Melissa went on thoughtfully , remembering the afternoon 's encounter .
23 ‘ We have n't a lot of money so it 's great to get recognition . ’
24 There is a blood poison in America ; you can idealize the place ( easier now that Europe is so damd shaky ) all you like , but you have n't a drop off the cursed blood in you , and you do n't need to fight the disease day and night ; you never had to .
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