Example sentences of "have become [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is also unusual in including material about peace-keeping operations , a testing form of soldiering in which the Canadian armed forces have become experts in the last four decades .
2 In total this has involved the transfer of around 650,000 employees , the majority of whom ( some 90% ) have become shareholders in the companies they work for .
3 Many of his original works , written as test-pieces for use in competitions , have become cornerstones of the repertoire ; Resurgam ( 1950 ) , Festival Music ( 1956 ) and Journey Into Freedom ( 1967 ) all find regular places on both the concert and contest stage .
4 Others have become examiners for the Institute of Linguists .
5 In recent years first electrons , and now sound waves , have become tools of the microscopists ' trade that were unimagined in van Leewenhoek 's day .
6 In recent years , some newspapers have become vehicles for the pursuit of certain positions and ideologies and consequently less open to their ideological opponents .
7 The influential Italian daily sports newspaper , Corriere dello Sport , has just published a list of 50 players worldwide who have become targets for the ‘ money-no-object ’ brigade of Italian clubs , all of whom are keen to cash in on Gazza 's magic .
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