Example sentences of "have come [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Getting babies hooked on soft drinks even before their first teeth have come through verges on the criminal , ’ said children 's health writer Dr Tim Lobstein .
2 Recent times have seen a catalogue of complaints against the teaching profession ; standards of spelling , arithmetic and reading have come under attack from the government and in the media .
3 Newspapers have traditionally moved from profitability to loss and vice versa at regular intervals as their costs and revenues — always delicately balanced — have come under attack from a variety of quarters .
4 RADICAL plans to reform health service provision in the North-East have come under attack from worried union officials .
5 The government 's so called mum 's army proposals have come under fire at a meeting of teachers and councillors in Nottingham this afternoon .
6 ESTATE agents have come under fire for misleading advertisements .
7 However , despite their economic problems , farmers have come under fire from conservation interests because of the allegedly adverse effects of modern farming practices on the environment .
8 Both Fr Pat Ryan ( above ) and Martin McGuinness have come under investigation in The Cook Report .
9 Having reached a consensus on the shape of the interim administration , which is to steer the country to full democracy , and what that democracy should look like , they have come under pressure from the others involved in the stalled multi-party discussions about South Africa 's future .
10 The closures at Barts have come amid signs of a growing cash crisis this winter in several London health districts .
11 Certainly I and probably all the other lesbians in BLGC have come across racism in the predominantly white lesbian movement , for instance , the idea that race and issues of imperialism are irrelevant all that matters is the fact that we 're women and lesbians and that 's the only way that people are oppressed .
12 Well there 's no question but which therapists and people of medical profession have come across cases of people who have indeed been scarred for their whole lives and and found it very difficult to maintain trust and relationships and and be able to achieve their potential as a result of the sorts of situations that they endured , and perhaps we 're more understanding about those sorts of areas of the human need to be able to express anxiety and to feel that to express fears is is not something that 's going to overwhelm people that are around us , so that adults who are in the care of children , be they teachers , or parents , or child care workers , can allow children to express their feelings so that they do n't need to hold on to them and thereby increase the fears that they have .
13 In the past I have come across complaints from editors that they have received old material .
14 Gedge has seen at first-hand the reactions of people who have come into contact with the group .
15 The concept of the ‘ drug career ’ has been used by a number of authors ( for example , Becker 1963 ) to systematise the response patterns of individuals who have come into contact with a given drug .
16 During that time , and especially since the publication of The Obair Report in December 1988 , we have come into contact with many other groups and individuals who share our concerns about government policies in the area .
17 Since my wife was diagnosed with the illness , I have been researching alternative cures during which time I have come into contact with the ‘ Association stop au cancer ’ based at 29 Bd Gambetta , 73000 Chambery Cedex , France .
18 During the time I have been working for the playgroup I have come into contact with about 200 children .
19 My figures show that although there were 34,000 business failures in the first nine months of this year , every week 1,000 new businesses have come into existence under the enterprise allowance scheme alone .
20 extensive mountain-building , due to colliding continental plates , is in progress — the Andes , Himalayas and Cascades are all mountain ranges that have come into existence during the past 10+ million years , and are still in the process of creation
21 Something like it is well-nigh inevitable , once the fundamental ingredients of cumulative selection — replication , error and power — have come into existence in the first place .
22 ‘ Perhaps , ’ I can hear my readers saying , ‘ but you can not possibly suppose that all the totalitarian states which have come into existence in times ancient and modern have been the result of faulty socialization and nothing more . ’
23 It 's the second time in a quarter of a century that the locals have come into conflict with planning officials .
24 Our Sunday Trading laws have come into question as a result of a possible conflict with Article 30 of the Treaty of Rome .
25 The majority of English words of more than one syllable ( polysyllabic words ) have come from other languages whose way of constructing words is easily recognisable ; for example , we can see how combining ‘ mit ’ with the prefixes ‘ per- ’ , ‘ sub- ’ , ‘ com- ’ produced ‘ permit ’ , ‘ submit ’ , ‘ commit ’ , words which have come into English from Latin .
26 The community we serve is largely made up of families who have come to England from a rural district of Bangladesh called Sylhet .
27 In recent years unification grammars have come to prominence in the computational linguistics community .
28 : The IMF signs 98 agreements with developing countries , including all the big debtor countries which have come to Washington for help .
29 ‘ People have come to Britain from many lands , ’ he boomed , ‘ and today the country is a melting-pot !
30 Caribbeans who have come to Britain from abroad have probably always brought with them their own distinctively Caribbean varieties of language ; yet it is only in the last two or three decades that educators and policy makers — and to some extent , the general public — have taken an interest in " Black English " ( also called Creole or Patois ) in Britain .
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