Example sentences of "have [been] on [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Okay Now as those of you who have been on a course will know er on a training course one thing I particularly ask you and we all do is to be open minded .
2 It 's the first time we have been on a coach holiday and we were a bit apprehensive .
3 Police in the Co Armagh area have been on a state of alert since a massive IRA bomb devastated the centre of nearby Lurgan in March last year .
4 We have been on a trip to Cliff College in Derbyshire .
5 The women at the sit-in issued the following appeal : ’ On the occasion of International Women 's Day , we , the Palestinian Women have been on a hunger strike since February 23 , 1989 in solidarity with our sons who have been holding hunger strikes in Israeli jails in protest against their inhuman prison conditions .
6 He told US financial markets that have been on a roller-coaster in anticipation of his victory that although he had campaigned on a message of economic growth he understood the importance of stability .
7 While unemployment figures in Northern Ireland have been on the increase , they have not accelerated at anything like the rate in the usually prosperous south-east of England .
8 That would allow a tremendous movement of people from under-utilised accommodation to smaller accommodation and would allow many people who have been on the waiting list for council houses for many years to be moved into smaller accommodation .
9 Women who have been on the Pill may have nutritional deficiencies ( see p 260 ) and you may wish to take a nutritional supplement of the kind described on p 330 .
10 Much of the blame must be laid at the door of the disorganised America 's Cup Organising Committee , who for the past 10 months have been on the brink of bankruptcy .
11 ‘ There is no Gook or Kraut or Nip for this war ’ , he writes , ‘ and the only Iraqi jokes I 've heard have been on the telephone from back home ’ .
12 Nor has it always been the chub which were taken from the bottom ; several times the barbel have been on the bottom and the chub hovering above them .
13 I have been on the council for three or four years , perhaps one of the more outspoken ones . ’
14 WHILE most British eyes have been on the election of a new Westminster parliament , a 500-member pensioner 's parliament from all 12 countries of the European Community has called for better pensions throughout the EC .
15 The majority of suggestions have been on the lines that there should be a one- or two-year period in which it should be possible for the capital of discretionary trusts to be distributed tax free provided the settlement was made before 26th March 1974 and the result of the distribution was that there would be either absolute entitlement to the property or an interest in possessing it .
16 The views of the CBI could scarcely be clearer than they have been on the subject of the minimum wage .
17 We there 's Don and myself two individuals who have been on the course for incident training with Fire Brigade .
18 The scheme will be launched at Wrexham Guildhall on November 23 and borough council tourism staff , who have been on the course , are enthusiastic .
19 The Queen harmony vocal idea was pretty much fully developed even on your first album , and it seems like the most significant developments since have been on the part of technology catching up .
20 There are now almost 50,000 people in the region who have been on the dole for more than a year .
21 ‘ Think how long BBC2 and Channel 4 have been on the air and they still have barely 10 per cent of the British audience .
22 These have been on the whole successful this year with only one cancellation the Quiz Night .
23 These have been on the whole successful this year with only one cancellation the Quiz Night .
24 More recently I have been on the phone to Minsk , Nottingham 's twin town , in connection with the Lord Mayor 's appeal for aid to the victims of Chernobyl .
25 to my son , You have been on the phone again .
26 Since a success with Corydoras panda I have been on the lookout for other species of catfish to work with so I gratefully headed home with my new charges .
27 Nine of DTC 's 50 strong fleet of single decker buses and 13 of United 's 216 fleet have been on the road for almost 20 years .
28 ‘ These new premises have been on the cards for some time . ’
29 ‘ I have been on the parish council at Saughall for more years than I care to remember — eighteen , ’ he said .
30 Worst hit areas have been on the Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire border and in the Forest of Dean .
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