Example sentences of "have [been] [v-ing] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Murray said : ‘ We have been trying for months to sign the right sort of player to replace Joe Allon .
2 Great local artists like Gilberto Gil have been trying for years to promote their country 's music , but ( as with the African-music boom ) it has taken the combination of an enthusiastic American super-star and cosmopolitan French audiences to really make the change .
3 We have been trying for years , centuries , to establish this and it is only because of help from outside that we have been able to do it now .
4 Scientists have been trying for years to realize the potential of hydrogen , but they have been thwarted by the problem of storing the gas , which is highly explosive and needs to be kept in high-pressure containers .
5 WHILE the Grand Opera House remains closed for repairs — with no date yet as for its re-opening — disappointed ticket-holders for its forthcoming shows have been queuing for refunds .
6 He is very pleased with the ‘ good meaty topics ’ departments have been suggesting for scrutiny this year .
7 Both crews have been training for months .
8 Sixty-seven parties fought the election of 1991 ; 29 won seats in parliament ; a dozen have been jockeying for seats in coalition governments .
9 We have been struggling for years with an inadequate meat hygiene inspection system and we need , as soon as possible , to replace it with a centralised system that will guarantee high standards and uniform costs .
10 But France has been hit by the kind of unease over European union that British governments have been expressing for years .
11 Disabled people from all over the country have been competing for honours in a carriage driving contest .
12 A large number of the part-timers have been reporting for duty for the entire twenty years of the Ulster Defence Regiment 's existence .
13 An army of 2000 have been reporting for duty … tables to set … glasses to clean … crates of bottles to wheel in …
14 For instance having retired to this lovely English village , and assembled my wits and memories to compile this narrative , I have had the satisfaction recently of discovering the original meaning of three common expressions which I have been using for years .
15 Many have been living for years in a shadowy , illegal world , doing the jobs that affluent Japanese now shun .
16 The idea of them having to bring fortnightly evidence that they have been looking for work when in the majority of cases they are not even permitted onto premises to ask for a job suggests an obvious indifference on the part of the policy makers .
17 Plato was not alone in believing that some kind of physical change must occur in the brain when information is stored in memory , and neuroscientists have been looking for Plato 's ‘ wax tablet ’ without success since the beginning of this century .
18 Area manager Beth Robinson says : ‘ Our business in Finaghy has steadily increased year by year and for some time we have been looking for premises , in a prominent location , which would give us the space we now need .
19 The Fed 's policy-making Open Market Committee met last Wednesday to set monetary growth goals for the second quarter and since then punters have been looking for signs of a massive rate cut .
20 I have been looking for ages for a Victorian birdbath , without much success .
21 While some publishers have attempted to counter the decline in print runs for first time publications by pushing titles into paperback others have been looking for ways to revitalise their hardback sales .
22 Quite recently , the European Parliament have been calling for oil ships which do not meet E E C standards to be expelled from community waters .
23 I have been listening for hours as our politicians tell us what they intend to do if elected , yet I have not heard one mention of the disabled .
24 They have been aiming for 100% participation in the survey , but used to get 90% .
25 Environmental groups have been lobbying for years about the issue .
26 The Guildford Four have been canvassing for Jeremy Corbyn in Islington .
27 Airline stocks , which have been surging for months on a series of high-stakes takeovers , declined after one potential target , US Air , declared lower than expected earnings .
28 This gives the guitarist the same facility for storing and recalling a library of sounds that keyboard players have been enjoying for years .
29 Local people and organizations have been complaining for years about high levels of tritium found in groundwater , drinking water and in milk from local dairies .
30 Since the publication in 1982 of the Barclay Report , Social Workers : Their Role and Tasks , many social services departments in the UK have been searching for ways of putting into practice ideas about community-based social work .
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