Example sentences of "have [been] [vb pp] [to-vb] at " in BNC.

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1 This year the London Handel Orchestra have been invited to play at the festival in Hesse — Handel 's birthplace .
2 Welsh Water managers have been invited to speak at the annual meeting of Wirral Deewatch at the Friends Meeting House , Telegraph Road , Heswall , next Wednesday night , the day before the petition is presented .
3 Council officers have been instructed to look at new ways of increasing access to town for disabled motorists .
4 No study has been conducted in other areas in Spain where the cuckoo is sympatric with several potential hosts , and no corvids other than magpies have been observed to breed at Sante Fe .
5 NEW commissionaires have been appointed to work at the Barlaston Lodges .
6 Far too many handicapped young people have been condemned to operate at a lower level of education and achievement than their abilities warrant because of lack of facilities for further and higher education .
7 But the ways in which we have been asked to look at consumer credit use are hardly relevant to TV rental .
8 ‘ A number of district officers have been asked to look at a variety of projects across the service , ’ he said .
9 Executives from Ford , which has acknowledged subscribing to the league , have been called to appear at an industrial tribunal next month .
10 So people have been forced to look at the way in which they are doing the work in er conjunction with er the manual for whatever other book of rules they have I wished they 'd do they carry out their work .
11 Engineers have been forced to operate at a snail 's pace to counter the danger of the bridge deteriorating further .
12 As peregrines have been known to dive at a speed of 180 miles an hour , they hit their prey with such force that they often break its neck , and sometimes even break the head clean off .
13 Perhaps it may even spur them to have a rethink ( miracles have been known to happen at this time of year ) and remove the threat of closure not just from St Bart 's but many other wonderful facilities up and down the country .
14 It has n't been an easy year for the mother of two grown-up children , as anxious pet-owners have been known to telephone at four o' clock in the morning to ask about their cats or dogs .
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