Example sentences of "have [been] [vb pp] [prep] some " in BNC.

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31 You have been struck by some particular type of person and have found a plausible set of circumstances in which a person of that type would commit a murder .
32 Movie memorabilia is nothing new but cries of blaX-ploitation have been heard in some quarters .
33 If the package has changed and the DCs have been aborted for some reason , but you still wish to proceed with the change , raise new DCs , get agreement for the changes , activate the Dcs through your package , then resubmit the package for approval .
34 The sixteen paintings seem likely to remain with the Uffizi , where they have been stored for some time .
35 Though it seems reasonable to assume that the ideal candidate for cardiac transplantation is one who has irreversible cardiac failure and severe symptomatic restrictions despite all treatment but with no requirement for intravenous or interventional support and no secondary end organ damage , in practice many of the patients referred for consideration of transplantation require active support in hospital and have been referred in some cases because they have developed secondary end organ damage .
36 The influences upon humans of the planets , moon , and factors such as magnetic fields , atmospheric pressure , and cosmic rays have been imagined by some , including lovers , astrologers and those who , in the past , have diagnosed types of ‘ lunacy ’ .
37 Faced with this lack of clarity in the law , the police have been left to some extent to interpret it for themselves .
38 There has been some doubt about the law with regard to traffic-calming measures other than road humps which has meant that authorities have produced traffic-calming schemes but have been left in some doubt as to whether they could be prosecuted for obstructing the highway .
39 This last datum may be accompanied by one of the following letters : S = the company 's shares have been suspended , A = company has been acquired , L = company has been liquidated , e = non-voting shares have been enfranchised for some reason , and lastly F = the shares have been withdrawn from the official list for some other reason than those already mentioned .
40 Mergers of health authority-run services with trusts have been criticised by some opponents of the Government 's NHS reforms as obtaining trust status ‘ by the back door ’ .
41 Low values have been attributed by some authors to a preclinical effect of the tumour , others have shown that the lowered values predate the detection of cancer by at east five years .
42 Nervous convulsions have been attributed by some clinicians to toxocariasis , but there is still some disagreement on whether the parasite can be implicated as a cause of these signs .
43 But we have evidence that these gravimetric machines have been sabotaged in some of Britain 's pits , so they give false low readings .
44 Standard specifications have been agreed for some products like hamburgers and meat pies , for example , and the NAAFI have the task of sourcing supplies for these and for all other items such as fruit and vegetables .
45 In part this is concerned with the omission of key features of reality , such as uncertainty , the role of expectations , and market imperfections , which have been discussed to some extent in earlier Lectures .
46 She and her friend Sharon have been pursued by some boys , who are taunting Carol to take her clothes off .
47 Some rural locations have been designated as ‘ assisted areas ’ which can benefit from regional policy , while special development boards have been established in some regions such as mid-Wales and the Highlands and Islands .
48 In addition to the economic policies already discussed , development boards have been established in some rural areas where particularly acute social and economic problems exist .
49 This idea has borne some fruit in temperate countries , where spoil-tips , gravel-pits and other industrial eyesores have been returned to some sort of semblance of native vegetation with its associated fauna .
50 ‘ I HAVE been portrayed as some sort of tyrant landlady .
51 There is a good chance that further Coal Measures have been preserved in some of the fault blocks , particularly towards the deeper parts of the sedimentary basins beneath Lough Neagh and southeast Antrim .
52 EIGHT paintings by a 16th-century German master , stolen from a museum three weeks ago in the country 's biggest art theft since the Second World War , have been recovered with some minor damage , police said last night .
53 The depth and extent of this understanding have been shown in some work of exceptional quality and insight .
54 Understanding language development for all prospective parents , second language learning for all prospective language learners , language structure and the history of languages for some students at least , have been encouraged in some schools ( Donmall , 1985 ) .
55 Increased rates of spinal bone loss have been reported in some patients and the average spinal bone loss was 3%/yr .
56 However , negative differential shifts in the North have been associated with some of the reinforcing institutional factors mentioned by the students .
57 Virgin Records is t starting up new groups who ac you know have been scorned by some of the big companies .
58 Pillow lavas have been identified in some of the oldest rocks on earth , over 3,400 million years old , and in rocks of all ages up to the present .
59 EDUCATION chiefs in the Southern Education and Library Board have been stumped by some of the questions on the 11-plus exam !
60 The contents of motion one seven eight appear to be sound , conference , we have been tried and we have been tried by some regions in a very limited way with some success .
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