Example sentences of "have [been] [adj] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 Rumours of cutbacks at the factory have been rife for some time .
2 Synthetic brushes have been available for some time and seemed to be the ideal solution , but in the past brushes could be too soft to control well , or too hard to be fully responsive , limiting paint delivery and with little spring , performing as a poor cousin to natural hair and bristle .
3 The standard gauge ( SK840 ) and Chunky ( SK890 ) models have been available for some time .
4 ACT ! , developed by Contact Software , is both the US 's and the UK 's best selling contact software package , and PC and network variants tailored to the UK have been available for some time .
5 Economists and economic historians have been interested in measuring poverty and wealth on a per capita basis for some time , and such data have been available for some of the advanced industrial countries for many years .
6 Although we have been playing teams which have been going through crap periods , I think this has worked against us as all the opposition players and fans etc have been desperate for some sort of result .
7 Since Spring 1992 , Doctus have been involved in some 40 improvement teams throughout the company whose work has covered a wide range of topics .
8 Incidentally , Bob and I have been involved in some hospital visiting lately , and were surprised to find that more than half the patients in the ward had been taken ill on holiday , and consequently felt doubly cut off .
9 ‘ A number of invitations have been outstanding for some time , and people just chose to take them up at this stage , ’ one said .
10 This is because remedial measures have been effective in some regions ( mostly in developed nations ) while in others the rate of degradation has increased .
11 At face value , decentralisation of services into communities seems eminently sensible , and reference centres have been effective in some countries .
12 ‘ The fact is , Mr Stevens , all the Chinamen in this house have been dirty for some time !
13 In that process , it may well be that some of those concerned in the management of the company , and others as well , have been guilty of some misconduct or impropriety which is of relevance to the liquidation .
14 For this reason I have been convinced for some months that interest rates are too high and that they should start to be reduced at once .
15 Transplants of the whole pancreas have been successful for some severely ill patients , however , they need to take powerful drugs for life to stop rejection of the organ .
16 If you are concerned that you might have been exposed to sources of infection , especially if you have been unwell for some time , you can discuss your concerns with your family doctor or antenatal clinic .
17 In addition to the traditional vented system , it is now permissible to have an unvented hot water storage system , which does away with the cold water cistern altogether and has other advantages ( see page 58 for details ) ; sealed central heating systems ( which do away with the feed-and-expansion cistern ) have been legal for some time .
18 Many people have been outraged by some of the things that have been said and done by the rugby players . ’
19 Local people there have been worried for some time about safety factors which affect the tunnel .
20 but when we 've read those we 've got to look up what else Jesus said , remember a few months ago the passage we read from Luke thirteen and they will come from the East and the West and from the North and the South and will recline at the table in the Kingdom of God , they will come he says from all directions , we work and hold and these two scriptures intention , we 've got ta compare one with the other , then we 'll read also John in that tremendous vision in the book of revelation he would he says what he saw there , in chapter seven verse nine after these things I looked and behold a great multitude which no one could count from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues standing before the throne and before the lamb , clothe in white robes and palm branches were in their hands and they cried out with a loud voice saying salvation to our God who sits on the throne and to the lamb , a handful of people , tiny minority , John says it was a great number , a multitude which no one could count from every nation , from every ethnic group , from every tribe and , and , and , and race on the face of the earth there in God 's heaven how grateful you and I should be , if we are among that number , it 's God 's grace , it 's not that we 've deserved it , it 's not that we have been privileged by some genetic er process to have been born in a so called a nominally Christian country , it is all of God 's grace , it 's not what we have done or what we are , but we have been saved by his grace and just for a few moments this morning , I 'd like us to from this question that was put to Jesus to follow on and if you like get five propositions from it , it sounds complicated but it 's not .
21 Does the Minister recognise that those of us who are friends of Kenya have been concerned for some time that that country has been slipping from the flagship position of good and open government in Africa ?
22 ‘ I have been concerned by some leaks .
23 Behind the scenes at London Zoo , staff have been responsible for some notable breeding achievements among rare and endangered species .
24 If you have been sedentary for some time and are not used to physical exertion , then you should begin slowly , walking for no more than 20 minutes every other day , at a pace which stretches you but does not overtire you .
25 Throughout the course of medical history , Scottish names have been synonymous with some of the greatest advances in science and Prof Gibson will be remembered as the pioneering force behind tissue transplantation .
26 At a time when over one third of the economically active population aged under 25 have been unemployed at some time in the last 12 months , the prospects of reaching 80 per cent owner-occupation without drastic policy changes seem dim ( Social Trends 15 , Table 4.26 ) .
27 We have been aware for some years that the relational model and relational database systems have not been able to represent some real-world concepts and activities , and there have been many papers and conferences devoted to the study of extensions and refinements to the original model of Codd ( 1970 ) .
28 Surveys of attitudes have been popular with some researchers .
29 Vanity basins have been popular for some years now , especially in larger bathrooms .
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