Example sentences of "have [to-vb] to [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 No , because I thought wicked you know , I 've for Monday I get to bloody fucking lie in bed and then like I have to go to flipping school and bloody give it back .
2 We have to accommodate the worst cases in bed and breakfast places but there are very few in East Cleveland so some families have to go to other towns like Stockton and Middlesbrough . ’
3 I personally think you must be a very unhappy man if you have to go to such lengths to find fault with things . ’
4 Seldes , who was to become Chaplin 's greatest booster in America as well as his personal friend , wrote of how ‘ you have to go to squalid streets and disreputable neighbourhoods if you want to see Chaplin regularly ’ .
5 I have to go to another meeting . ’
6 I have to go to secretarial school , worse luck .
7 The team is weighing young children every month , and about 15 per cent of them have to go to intensive feeding , with high-energy milk to combat the symptoms of kwashiorkor .
8 A further consequence of having time zones is that , when we travel we have to adjust to local time in the new time zone .
9 The teacher 's business is to induce learning and the techniques that are used have to work to that end .
10 We have to come to some kind of deal with the trade unions in this complex interim period .
11 In order to show that there are differences in language , therefore , we have to listen to many hours of tape-recorded speech , select variables that we believe may pattern in some way , and quantify .
12 We have to listen to these views as well as to those who complain .
13 We have to listen to these views as well as to the views of those who have reservations .
14 I wonder if these people that have to listen to these tapes can understand doggy language as well ?
15 These people that have to listen to these tapes you know , they must get terribly bored must n't they ?
16 Now there are 8 and they have to talk to each other .
17 Surely if the skills desert the greater proportion of working men and women ; fewer apprenticeships being served for the faster rewards of assembly ; we have to look to new industries with high labour content as opposed to high capital content for our long- term social remedies .
18 The new scheme , the Social Fund , offers only limited help through grants with the result that most families have to look to discretionary loans to cope with large items of expenditure or with an emergency .
19 On the contrary , we have to assign to each level a peculiar time , relatively autonomous and hence relatively independent , even in its dependence , of the ‘ times ’ of the other levels …
20 Pete says they set off and race around a course … they are given a landmark such as a cross roads or a church and they have to fly to that point take pictures of it and the fastest there and back takes the points
21 At the risk of attracting an angry postbag from irate readers , I have to confess to considerable misgivings over this piece .
22 This is extremely confusing if you upgrade from version 4.2 to version 4.5 and have to refer to two manuals with identical titles containing different information .
23 We have indicated that organisations exist within a changing environment and they have to respond to this environment .
24 We have to respond to these developments and it is being made clear now in public , that the Health and Safety Executive are giving every indication to employers that they are not going to rigorously enforce the law and indeed in the local authorities a leading figure there has said that they want to take a softly softly approach .
25 I know it is true , because I have to respond to public pressure daily in my job , and that is how issues become prominent and how spending priorities are established .
26 For the true little-magazine sense that something wonderful or crass can happen on any page , you have to turn to chancier ventures , such as the new quarterly , Mediterraneans ( £7.99 or £22 per year from Didsbury Press , 7 Darley Avenue , Didsbury , Manchester M20 8XE ) .
27 ‘ There 's nothing we have to say to each other , ’ she protested with irritation , ‘ and I 'm not in the mood for any more of your accusations .
28 ‘ What can he imagine we have to say to each other ? ’
29 Moreover , organisations may be viewed as existing in a competitive environment , as do plants and animals , and they have to adapt to environmental conditions or perhaps find their existence threatened .
30 The aim of this report is not to demand that brewers turn the block back to 1620 , 1720 , 1820 or even to 1920 ; pubs have to make money , and have to adapt to some extent to changing needs and expectations .
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